Chapter 16

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Elsa's POV

Everyday was the same for the next six weeks. I would wake up and have breakfast in bed, the doctor would come to check up on me and every once in a while I would try to walk. I was injured really badly, or so the doctor said.

Jack was sleeping beside me. He woke up and nudged me.

"How you doing Elsa?," Jack asked, kissing me.

"Could be better," I replied.

"Can you walk yet?," he asked.

"A little, the doctor said not to leave the castle though,"

"Hey what day is it today?," I asked.

"Tuesday, why?"

"I'm feeling in the mood for some chocolate," I told Jack.

"There's some chocolate boxes downstairs," Jack told me.

"I'll go get some," I said, getting out of bed slowly.

"Hey, get me some," he called after me.

"I'll just take the whole box," I called back.

"Ok," he replied with approvel.

I slowly went downstairs. I would feel sharp pains in my chest every once in a while but I was getting better. I got to the table and saw Anna golfing down all the chocolate.

"Jeeze Anna," I said "don't eat all of them."

"Sorry," she said whiping her mouth "I just craved chocolate today."

"Last time it was custard," I laughed.

"Well the baby must really like sweet stuff," she smiled "must be a girl."

"Are you feeling ok?," she asked.

"Better I guess," I replied.

"Hey can I have some chocolate, Jack is waiting," I asked kindly.

Anna looked down at the box. There was one left.

"Do I have to?," she asked sadly.

"Oh come on Anna, don't spoil the kid," I laughed.

"Fine," she said, handing the piece of chocolate over.

"Oh I can't look," she said, looking away from the chocolate.

I took it upstairs. Jack looked at both of my hands. I got on the bed.

"Where's the chocolate," he asked eagerly.

"Here," I said showing him it.

"Anna," I explained.


"So how are we going to split this," he asked.

I took it and broke it in half. Somewhat. One piece was bigger than the other. I looked at them both twice and gave Jack the small piece.

"Really?," he complained.

I popped the chocolate in my mouth and laughed.

"What's up with you girls and sweet stuff?," he asked.

"I dunno."

I heard a knock on the door, Olaf came in with orange juice.

"How the queen today, yea," he said in his goofy voice.

"Good," I said.

"Well here's your drink," he said happily and left.

I took the glass and sipped from it. I noticed the icy pattern escaping from my hands. I dropped the glass on the floor.

"Elsa what happened?," Jack panicked.

"The curse," my voice shaked "I can't control it."

I got on my knees and looked at my hands. I got out of bed, ignoring the pain.

"Elsa I need you to calm down," Jack tried to calm me.

"No," I panicked "I can't."


I pulled away my hands.

"No, I don't want to hurt you,"

Jack frowned. Got out of bed and put his arm around me.

"Elsa, please just relax," he begged.

I nodded helplessly. This would happen everyday during my recovery. I would be fine one second but them my powers would just lose control. Jack would calm me and then it would start all over again. Six weeks finally passed and I recovered completely. We were all finally able to focus on Anna's pregnancy.


"Wow Anna," I laughed "the baby is really getting big."

"what do you mean?," she asked "I'm not even putting out yet."

"You are," I corrected her "your going to need maternity clothes soon.

Anna went to a mirror and put her hands over the small bump.

"Wow," she said "I guess I just didn't notice."

She frowned.

"What's wrong?," I asked.

"Well you know," she started "I don't want people to think I'm fat."

"I think it would be obvious that you expecting," I said.

"I guess you right," she agreed "two months, seven more to go."


Me and Jack were walking throught the park suring the sunset.

"It's really pretty," I said.

"I love this place," Jack said smiling.

"You know what would make it prettier?," he asked.

"No, what?," I asked.

"Ice," he replied. He stepped on the ground, letting the grass turn silver with ice. The water froze over, you could see the frost pattern.

I let out an icy blast. The area was cover in ice. It was beautiful. We both looked at each other and laughed.

"Elsa," he started.

"Yes?," I asked, still smiling.

"You are the most beautiful girl in the world, we had many adventures and there's many more to come." he started.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he said nervously, he was almost laughing with shyness "will you marry me?"

I gasped.

"Yes," I shouted and hugged him. He put the ring on my fingure. It was crystalised with ice specks. The silver metal was frosted over with beautiful detail. I hugged him again.

"Yes yes yes," I repeated.

"I love you Elsa," he whispered in my ear,

"I love you more," I replied whispering,

"I love you most," he whispered back in my ear.

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