Chapter 19

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Elsa's POV

I heard a knock on the door.

"Queen Elsa," she called.

"Yea," I said sleeply.

"It's your wedding day, you have to get ready."

My eyes suddenly burst open and I jumped out of bed. I laughed as I let Midge do my makeup and hair.

"Well the day has finally come," Midge said.

"Yes," I chuckled.

She took my hair in one of her hands and brushed it.

"So what are you planning on wearing?," she asked.

"An ice dress," I told her "hey can you have my hair in the messy bun?"


An hour passed and my hair was finally done. I gasped when I looked in the mirror. I thanked Midge so many times, Now it was time for my dress. I tapped on my shoulder letting the ice travel. I watched as the white dress was formed. Tints on ice blue were on it. I let my ice cape form and made my veil with the same design as my see through cape. I made an ice tiara and put it on. I looked beautiful.

"Queen Elsa, you look amazing," Midge complimented me.

"Thank you," I replied, although I was still in daze from the dress.

I heard Anna come in. She rarely got out of bed, she was nine months now.

"Wow Elsa you look beautiful," she gasped.

"Thank you," I smiled.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest. I sat down on my bed before I could fall.

"Elsa are you ok?," Anna gasped.

"Yes, must be nervous."

She took my hands.

"Your colder than usual," she told me.

I shrugged. I looked down at Anna's belly.

"Stop looking," she snapped.

"Sorry, but it's so big," I apologized.

"Yea, try getting into a dress while carrying a child," she groaned.

We both giggled. After Anna and Midge left the room I stayed alone. The wedding wasn't starting until 1:00 p.m. The sharp pain returned again. I clutched my heart and sighed. It's just my imagination. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Kristoff," I said in relief,

"It's time," he told me. I nodded. I began to feel my nerves going on fire. I swallowed and headed to the church with Kristoff.

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