Chapter 2

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Jack's POV

There was absolute silence in the morning as I was quietly sleeping until I heard Elsa screaming

"Ah!," she screamed of the top of her lungs.

"Gah," I startled. Elsa was at Periwinkle's crib. Her face was red and she looked like she had been crying.

"What happened?," I asked as I got out of bed. I put my hand on Elsa's shoulder but she smacked it. I quickly pulled my hand back.

"Periwinkle..." she cried "she's gone!,"

My jaw dropped and I went over to her crib. Elsa was right, she was gone.

"I-I," she stumbled over her words "I want my baby back."

"It must have been that person in our room last night," I muttered.

"You saw a person in our room?!," she yelled.

"Well yea..," I rubbed my neck nervously.

"And she was taking our child?!," she yelled even louder. Her face was turning red with anger. I never saw Elsa so furious before.

"Yea," I replied.

"Why didn't you stop her?!," she screamed.

"Because I-,"

"Because you weren't bothered to? Is that it?,"

I stared at her in shock. Anna came bursting in the room.

"Elsa! What happened?," she called as she ran to us.

"Someone kidnapped Periwinkle!," she cried.

"Oh My God," she gasped. Elsa fell down on the bed and cried.

"Maybe you need some time alone," Anna suggested. We both walked out the room. I couldn't watch Elsa like this. I needed to find our daughter. I grabbed mt staff and headed out.

"Where are you going?!," Anna called after me as I walked outside the gates.

"I'm going to fix this mess," I replied sternly.

"Wait, but it's too dangerous!," she called "Elsa would be devastated if you die!"

"I would rather be dead then live all my life with guilt," I told Anna "I am not coming back without our baby."

"How long will you be gone for?"

"I don't know, but hopefully not too long, tell Elsa that I'm going to get Peri and keep her safe," I explained. I then flew off to find baby Periwinkle.

Elsa's POV

I kept on crying. I just really needed someone with me right now. Anna opened the door. I expected Jack to come in but I realized he wasn't there.

"Where's Jack?," I asked.

"Um.." Anna mumbled nervously.

"Tell me," I cried.

"Ha ha, funny see...he's sorta gone to get Periwinkle," she laughed nervously.

"What?!," I yelled.

"He said he's not coming back without Peri."

I couldn't believe my ears. Is it because of what I had said earlier? No, no, no it can't be. Can it?

"We have to get him before I lose him to!," I ordered.

"Elsa!," Anna tried to stop me "please don't go! I don't want to lose my sister after I just got her back!"

"I'm sorry Anna, but my family is out there," I apologized and got ready.

"Elsa please, think about what you're doing!," she begged.

"Anna, if Joseph was kidnapped, I know you would do the same," I reasoned.

Anna hesitated. She finally spoke "Then I'm coming with you, I'll get Kristoff to pack the sleigh,"

"Anna, you have a toddler to take care of,"

"Midge is a great babysitter. I am not going to let my only sister die."

I smiled at Anna. We quickly got Kristoff and we embarked the sleigh. I just hoped we weren't too late and that Jack isn't far away. Now the only question was where he could be. Let's see, if I were him where would I go?

"The workshop," I blurted out "quick Kristoff get to the workshop!"

Kristoff obeyed and did as he was told. I wanted my family back, that was my top priority. I closed my eyes and let the wind blow in my face.

I'm coming for you I thought to myself. I wasn't alone either, I had my sister and Kristoff and soon I was going to find Jack. Then I was going to go after my daughter. I was mentally prepared for this task.

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