Chapter 5

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Elsa's POV

I watched my six year old daughter, Periwinkle, play with her cousin, Joseph in the playroom. So far she still hasn't found out about her powers and I hope she never does. Joseph was wearing his little brown suit and Periwinkle was wearing a dark blue dress and little blue flats.

"Mommy watch this!," she called.

I walked up to her and smiled.

"Look!," she went to Joseph, who was building a house. She kicked it over and soon the baby blocks were all over the floor.

"Hey!," Joseph whined. I was shocked to see Periwinkle act like this.

"Peri! Why in the world would you do that?!," I scolded her.

"It's practise for when I take over Arrendele," she said proudly. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe my ears. I was confused. It had to be more than just a phase.

"I think daddy called me," I excused myself and went to my bedroom where Jack came in throught the balcony.

"Jack," I said "You shouldn't be flying around the castle. It might trigger Peri's memories of magic!"

"You worry too much," he laughed and walked up to me. He put his cold hand on my shoulder and kissed me. I felt his soft lips against mine. We both laughed after we stopped.

"So what's the problem?," Jack asked in a calm and relaxing tone.

"Periwinkle," I started, "She said and did something worrying."

Jack's eyes widened, "Did she find out about her powers?"

"No," I replied.

"Oh," he calmed down, "Then what did she do?"

"She knocked down Joseph's house he made out of baby blocks," I told him.

Jack laughed, "Really Elsa? All kids do that at one stage in their lives."

"And she said it's practise for when she takes over Arrendele,' I finally finished.

The smile on Jack's face faded, "Oh."

"I'm worried," I cried and hugged him.

"It's OK," he comforted me. He pulled me away and looked me in the eyes, 'It's just a phase."

"Are you sure?," I asked.

"Yes," he replied and smiled sheepishly, "I'm sure."

Periwinkle's POV

Joey and I got bored of the toys really quickly. I always loved our nicknames. Periwinkle, Peri, Joseph, Joey.

"What do you want to do?!," he groaned it boredom.

"I don't know," I sulked.

Then Joey's eyes widened with exitement, "I have an idea!," he grabbed the ball.

"What?," I asked.

"Lets go play with this ball!," he said.

"OK," I agreed and we started heading out of the room.

"In the throne room!," he finished.

"What?," I startled "What if we break something."

"We'll be careful," he rolled his eyes.

"Haha, OK, race you there!," I laughed. We started running through the halls. There was one advantage I had that Joey didn't. I wasn't holding the ball. We made it in the throne room laughing.

"Come on," he said eagerly. We moved in the middle of the room ready to play.

"Catch!," he yelled. I caught the ball and then through it back. The ball nearly knocked over one of the vases.

"Close one," I said.

"I know," Joey agreed but then we got back in our little game.

"Come on you can do better than that!." Joey teased.

"Hey!," I giggled, passing the ball back.

Just then Joey threw it back. I watched it fly through the room in my direction.

"Watch out!," he warned. I noticed it was about to hit one of the vases and a picture.

"No!," I screamed. I through my hands in the air in attempt to catch it but instead I watched in horror as ice blasted out of my hands and hit the ball in mid air. It fell on the ground. Frozen.

"Oh my God," Joey gasped, "You froze the ball!"

I screamed as loud as I could. I watched the frost climb the walls and the ground freeze as I grew more afraid.

Elsa's POV

Jack and I were both trying to discuss some of our royal duties until we heard a scream.

"That sounded like," I said.

"Periwinkle," Jack and i both finished.

We immedietly ran down to her and found her in the throne room. My jaw dropped at the sight of the room. The ice was spreading on the walls and th floor has become a skating ring. In the middle was the ball with was frozen solid.

"Periwinkle," I said in a daze.

"Mommy, Daddy," she yelled and ran up to us. I felt her thug on my dress.

"Did you do this?," I asked. She nodded helplessly.

"Quick we have to get her to the trolls," Jack said.

"But the room," Periwinkle reminded us.

"We'll fix it later," I said as Jack picked her up.

We ran to the stable and took out a white horse. Jack placed Periwinkle on the horse and I jumped on behind Periwinkle.

"Come on," I told Jack. Soon we were riding to the trolls. Periwinkle had found out.

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