Chapter 29

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Elsa's POV

I kissed Jack as I left for the mountains. Five days elsa. Only five days. I haven't been at the castle for ages. I was walking for ages until I heard a growling coming from behind me. I turned around. Wolves. Lots of them. I panicked.

"Ah," I screamed as I ran for my life. The wolves were chasing me. I tried to shoot ice at them. Some of them slipped and yelped but a lot of them didn't I kept running. I got dizzy after a while and everything went black.


"Yahoo?," I heard a voice trying to wake me up. I fluttered my eyes open and found myself in a cabin or maybe a store.

"Where am I?," I asked as I put my hand on my head.

"Your at Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna," he said in a weird accent.

"How did I get here?," I asked,

"Some young kid found you," he said casually.

"Now, sauna?," he suggested.

"Sure, I don't see why not," I shrugged although I just needed some alone time.

"Take this towel," he said as he threw it to me.

I got undressed and covered my body with the towel. I got in the sauna and sat down on the bench. I leaned my head against the wall as the smoke started coming in.

"Finally, alone," I said to myself. I felt a slight nudge on my shoulder.

"Boo," I heard a familier voice go.

"Ah," I yelped and saw Jack.

"Jack!," I yelled.

"Calm down," he said.

"You followed me?," I asked.

"I wanted to make sure you arrived to the castle safely. I saw you passed out so I brought you here."

"Thanks I guess," I thanked him.

He put his hand around me.

"Don't push yourself for the next nine months," Jack adviced me.

"I guess I learned my lesson," I sighed.

I leaned my head on his shoulder. I was glad he was here.

"You being here with me surely defeats being alone," I told him.

"Of course it does," he replied.

I put my right hand on my belly, feeling the small bump. It was big enough to feel it yet still too small to see it.

"How many weeks has it been?," Jack asked.

"Three I think," I replied.

After we stayed in the sauna for a few hours we left the trading post. Jack led me to the ice castle and kissed me. I gave a large sigh at the whole place.

"I guess I'll be going," he said.

"Wait!," I called.

"Can you stay?," I asked.

"I thought you wanted to be alone," he pointed out.

"But now I realised that I want to be alone with you,"

"Ok," he agreed. I hugged him. I loved the feeling of his warn chest being pressed against mine. He brushed his fingers through my hair.

"It's getting late," he told me. I nodded and we both went upstairs to the bedroom.

The bed was made of ice and the sheets were as soft as snow. The dresser was also ice and the top of it had a blanket of know. There were two mirrors. One big one and one mirror that was above the dresser. As I made myself a light night gown and unbraided my hair I got ready for bed. Jack took off his shirt and flung his staff on the floor. He got in bed and I got in beside him.

"Good night," he smiled as I drifted slowly off to sleep.


I stood upon a mountain close to Arrendele. There was a girl in front of me. Her white hair kept blowing back from the wind as she set blizzards all over Arrendele. Her deep blue eyes stared as the kingdom was perishing in the ice and snow. Her smile was almost evil. She turned around at me until-

"Ah," I gasped for air as iI woke up from my nightmare. Was that girl me? No it couldn't have been. I was puzzled. I went to the bathroom and got sick as usual. I braided my hair slowly still thinking about that dream. I shook my head.

"No," I said to myself "it was just a dream."

I heard Jack wake up. He looked between the half open door in the bathroom.

"What happened?," he asked sleepily.

"I just had a bad dream, that's all," I told him so he doesn't get worried.

The day passed on. We had berries for most of our meal courses which wasn't very convinient since I have been craving marshmellows lately. I sat down on the ice sofa and popped a berry in my mouth. Jack sat down beside me.

"What's wrong?," he asked as he took his hand and lifted up my chin.

"Nothing," I replied, moving my head away.

"Want me to get you something?," he asked "what are you craving?"

"Marshmellows," I said as I bit my nails.

"Well how about I go fly down to Arrendele and grab you some marshmellows," he suggested.

"Wait!," I called after him as he was about to go off "can you also bring me some cake?"

"Sure," he replied.

"But not the one in Arrendele, the type of cake we had in Corona, you know on our honeymoon," I told him.

"Fine," he sighed and flew off to get my food.

I smiled as he left. It quickly faded when I headed over to the big mirror in my bedroom. I turned to my side and put my hands over my belly. My dress was getting tight. I was going to need to start looking into maternity dresses. I could ask Anna to for any spare one that she has left lieing around from when she was pregnant but then again I'm taller than her. They'll probably be too short. I looked closely. Was I starting to put out? I couldn't tell. If you look closely there's a bump. I wonder if the kingdom fingured out that I was expecting. Maybe I should announce it. I heard the doors open from downstairs. I rushed down and saw Jack coming in.

"I got the cake and the marshmellows," he smiled.

We sat down on the sofa as he put the bag of marshmellows on the coffe table. I took the slice of cake and ate it.

"Satisfied?," he laughed.

" Meh, ok," I shrugged. I put down the finished plate of cake and took the marshmellows.

"That was quick," he teased.

I noticed him looking down at my belly.

"What?," I asked.

"Nothing, it's just that your bump is starting to show through your dress."

"Oh," I sighed.

"It's fine," he laughed as he kissed my cheek.

I smiled. Although I was still never able to forget that dream.

{A/N} I finally finished Death Note!!!! XD If you guys don't know what it is, it's an awesome anime and I suggest you try it out. I never liked anime but I really liked this series. O_O Anyways back to Jelsa. I have a question for all of you lovely people. Wait no, people is dull, I'm gonna call you guys vegtables. It's official. So here's the question, who do you think the girl was in the dream? Do you think it means something? Just a fun question for you guys to answer. x3. BUH BAIIII!!!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox...........and lots xoxs. o-O

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