Chapter 30

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Elsa's POV

I kept having the same dream over and over again. About the girl. I started to wonder if it could mean something. I found another disadvantage that came with my powers. It seems that my powers are becoming hard to control because of my pregnancy. I froze everything I touched. I had to resort to using gloves. I hated the idea of that as it reminds me of my childhood. Jack came from behind me as I stared in the mirror and shoved on my white gloves.

"How are your powers doing?," he asked as he put his arms around me.

"Bad," I replied sighing.

"I think it might have something to do with the baby," I said.

"I think you're thinking too much," Jack said.

"I wish I could agree with you," I answered.

There always was the phrase A mother's instincts never lie and I started to think that was the case. Even though my child wasn't even born yet. Maybe I really was just thinking too much. I always wondered how it was like to raise a child. According to Anna it's hard work. My pregnancy was starting to get on my nerves.

I started to dispise going out to town because of the bump. Since I was in the middle of my pregnancy my baby bump wasn't fully developed so I looked more overweight rather than pregnant and all the sweets weren't helping. One time to elderly women were whispering behind my back about my weight. Anna said that I desserve it for not announcing my pregnancy but I would have thought that my people were smart enough to identify a pregnant woman from an overweight one. My mood swings got so bad that there were certain days when everyone would avoid me. Even Joseph would cry and he's the type of baby that would laugh at everything.

I went to the doctor a few times to check on the baby. I even went to the trolls a couple of times because my powers were going crazy from my pregnancy. They said it was just another side effect that came with the curse but I doubted that. I remembered how my mother told me that when she was pregnant with me she was always cold. It could be the same case with me. These thoughts worried me a lot.

"Elsa you have to calm down," Anna said as we were strolling in the park.

"How can I calm down when so much is happening?," I asked.

"Pregnancy can be a hard time and stressful for anyone, you need to find something to get your mind off the baby," Anna told me from her experience.

"Like what?," I asked.

"I dunno, poetry, art, singing," she started suggesting, "Just not something too physical."

I chuckled when she said this. I couldn't tell if it was truly funny or just another mood swing. We continued strolling until I noticed how the floor froze over as I walked. Anna's jaw dropped.

"Oh my God," I gasped.

"Um, maybe it's just a side effect," Anna said nervously.

I nodded even though I denied to believe it. I was worried.

Sorry for the short chapter. Apparently half of the chapter got deleted so I had to rewrite ot on my tablet. :P

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