Chapter 14

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Elsa's POV

I woke up to find myself in a room. It was dark. I was lyeing down on the floor. I tried to get up and leave but I felt a tug on my hands. I looked at them and gasped. They were handcuffed and chained was in the ground. It was like I was back in the dungeons when I froze Arrendele. Wait? How do I remember that?

"Well well Elsa," I heard a voice cackle "I told you to give in."

"You did?," I asked.

"You really can't remember can you?,"

I shook my head.

"Well I'm Pitch," he introduced himself "does that ring any belles?,"

I shook my head again.

"Oh for pete's sake Elsa," he said getting angry "the point is that I'm taking those powers of yours."

"You won't get away with this," I scowled.

"Haven't I already?," he mocked.

"Jack will find me and you will regret ever messing with me," I said "he loved me."

"Well if he really loved you then why isn't he here to save you?,"

I looked down at my feet. Pitch laughed evily. Oh Jack, please come soon.

Jack's POV

"Come on, get in the sleigh," Kristoff commanded us.

We both jumped in. We had to find Elsa.

"Kristoff, bring us to the workshop, North will know what to do," I told him.

The sleigh went at top speed until

"Hey, stop your gonna run over me," I heard a voice say.

Kristoff quickly stopped. Everyone got of to see who it was. It was a snowman and it was alive.

"Aah," I screamed.

"Oh calm down, it's just Olaf," Anna laughed.

"What's an Olaf?," I asked.

"No not AN Olaf, Olaf," she corrected me.

"Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs," Olaf said to everyone.

"Well Olaf why not join us in the sleigh," Anna suggested.

Olaf nodded along and we all got in. Lucky for me he sat right next to me. I sighed.

"So who made you?," I asked.

"Elsa,' he said cheerfully. Never mind what I just said.

"Why?," I asked.

"I dunno,"

Why Elsa, just why?

Kristoff pulled up in front of the workshop and we all ran in.

"What's the rush Jack," Bunnymund asked.

"Elsa, she's gone," I announced,

Everyone gasped.

"Pitch took her,"

"Everyone, turn on the tracking device, we must save Elsa," North commanded.

"Tracking device?," Anna asked.

"Yea, you see we have this special device that helps track down Pitch," I explained.


North came back with the results.

"It turns out he's at his new lair," he said.

"Well what are we waiting for," Anna said eagerly "lets go!"

"Wait," Kristoff called after her, grabbing Anna's arm.

"Let me go, we need to get Elsa," she commanded.

"No, your carrying for two, it's best if you stay," he told her.

"I'm not even putting out yet, I can help,"

"You'll help more if you stay here," he told her.

Anna put her hand over the belly where the bump was going to be.

"I want our child to have somebody to look up to beside us," she said "Elsa has to live."

"She will," I reasured her.

"Lets go," Kristoff said.

"We'll take my sleigh, it's faster," North told us.

We agreed and got in. We suddenly heard someone calling behind us. Anna. She was running up to the sleigh and getting in.

"I'm gonna save my sister," she said proudly.

North took off. Kristoff looked terrified. I couldn't tell if it was because of Pitch or because Anna was tagging along while she was pregnant. The ride was long. It's typical, Pitch put his lair way out of the bounds of the workshop. We flew past Corona and way past Arrendele. I sighed. Elsa could be dead by now.

Elsa's POV

I kept trying to break the chains but I was too weak. Pitch was using this device used to drain my powers and send it to himself. It took a long time to generate and I had to escape before it started. I kept pulling. Pitch laughed as he watched the device load up. I pulled more. it wasn;t working. Suddenly the machine finished generating and started aiming towards me. I could feel the power draining. It had already started.

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