Chapter 3: Mirai, You're Late

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Kise waved to Noriko before going out of the gate. The gate is now fixed by the way. Whoever fixed it did a really quick job. He looked for Megumi earlier but according to Noriko, she skipped breakfast and went to school already. He wondered if she was involved in any club activities that morning.

Kise walked along the wall that separated the Mirai residence from the other houses. He had to walk to the end of the road, then cross a bridge before any other houses were in sight. In the few days he has been there, he didn't fully grasp just how big the Mirai residence was. From what Minako told him over dinner, the family owned a plot of land for the paddy fields, the house and the inn as well as a part of the hills and mountains behind the house.

He thought he has seen some pretty wealthy people in Tokyo but, he could tell the Mirai family are in a class of their own.

'How on earth did mom become friends with Aunt Noriko anyway?' he wondered.

"Kise-kun, over here!" Kise quickly saw the ginger waiting at a junction and jogged over to her.

"Good morning, Minako-senpai!" Kise greeted with his burst of energy.

"Great, another loud one," a black haired boy said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh come on, Yukio. Don't be mean to him," Minako pouted at the guy before smiling at Kise again. "Please don't mind him, Kise-kun. He's very awkward around people he meets for the first time."

"Ah, another senior from our school?"

"Yup! Introducing, Kasamatsu Yukio! He's Mi-chan's cousin. Technically." Minako poked Kasamatsu's cheek with a finger.


"Basically, our grandmothers are best friends so we grew up together," Kasamatsu sighed. He grabbed Minako's hand and gave her a flick on the forehead. "Stop poking me."

"Okay, oww.." Minako rubbed her head while pouting at him.

Kise smiled at them. He could tell they were really close.

"Nice to meet you, Kasamatsu-senpai! I'm Kise Ryouta." Kise bowed. Kasamatsu bowed too but, he somehow had the urge to kick Kise in the butt for whatever reason.

And off they went to school.

"Hey, I was wondering. Is Megumi in any clubs?" Kise asked Minako.

"Hmm, none that I know of."

"Oh, I see. Aunt Noriko told me she went to school early. Do you might know why?"

Minako and Kasamatsu stopped in their tracks. "Again?"

"What do you mean again?" Kise was confused. The two seniors also exchanges looks with each other.

"Umm, it's just that. She went to school early a few times before too. I thought my sister needed her help with something but ---"

"Minako." She stopped talking when Kasamatsu gave her a look. He shook his head.

"You'll see her at school later so don't worry about it. You can just ask her about it then," Kasamatsu stated plainly. But he looked like he was also worried about something.

Kasamatsu stayed mostly quiet the rest of the way to school. Kise and Minako kept conversing but Kise could tell there has been a shift in the air around them. They were hiding something.

When they arrived at Kiseki High, they dropped off Kise at the staff office when his homeroom teacher was waiting for him.

As they walked away, Minako took Kasamatsu's hand to stop him.

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