Chapter 31 ~ Kuroko's Past ~

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Third Arc: Kuroko's Past.

Little children ran here and there at the playground. It was a really nice day to play outside. The sun wasn't that bright and the clouds drifted lazily in the sky. The wind was just the right temperature and speed, bringing the spring scent of the season with it.

"Who wants to play hide and seek?" one of them said out out. Multiple kids raised their hands and jumped up and down in excitement.

"I want to join too," a soft voice came from behind the boy.

"Hah?" he looked behind him. "Eh?"

"Over here."

He looked a little bit to the right and screamed when Kuroko popped out of nowhere.

"Domo," Kuroko smiled.

"Man, Tetsuya. You should stop surprising people like that."


Then, the game started!

All the kids scrambled to find a good hiding place. Some hid on trees, some were in the bushes, some under the slide and some even were in the forest (just not too far). So, where was Kuroko?

He hid in the bushes behind the well. Since it was in between two large trees, it was shady and he was a small boy so, it would be hard for anyone to spot him.

He heard that the other kids were still trying to find a hiding spot. Some were even fighting, saying that they were there first.

After the one who was 'it' finished counting to 100, he yelled, "Ready or not, here I come!"

Some were immediately found. They groaned and laughed as more and more of them were found. Kuroko just stayed put. He didn't even dare to take a peek at how the others were doing.


Minutes passed then, a whole hour. But, no one seemed to be able to find Kuroko. The boy who started the game was already getting bored.

He huffed and crossed his arms on his chest.

"Hey, Tetsuya! Come on out. You win! I can't find you.." he yelled. No answer. He looked around as parents were coming to take their children home. "Tetsuya!"

There were still no answer. He tried to look for Kuroko for a little bit more but, his mom was already waiting for him.

"Tetsuya! I'm going home now. You can come out whenever you want."

With that, he held onto his mom's hands to follow her home. He kept looking back but, Kuroko still hasn't come out yet. He kept looking behind him that he tripped on a rock on the ground and fell. His knee bleeded and he was too busy explaining to his mom that he was alright that he forgot about Kuroko.


A fluffy little rabbit approached the sleeping little boy. He got tired and sleepy while waiting that he fell asleep on the ground. Kuroko groaned softly when he felt something furry climbing up his arm. He slowly opened one eye and saw the baby bunny trying to climb up his arm.

"Hmm, you will fall if you keep doing that," Kuroko mumbled. He winced when the rabbits nails scraped his arm.

He got up and that made the rabbit tumble off his arm.

"Ah, gomen.." Kuroko was about to hold the fluffy fellow but, it was fast hop away from him.

Kuroko just blinked at the situation. He raised his arms above his head and stretched his stiff muscles. He yawned a few times before he finally realised that he fell asleep just now.

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