OVA Chapter 0 ~ The Angel and The Path ~

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Kise's POV

It's strange. It was raining just a while ago. But, now.. The clouds have parted, I can tell from the patches of sunlight streaming through the heavens and onto the ground. Onto the floor of the roof around us. Ahaha.. It's so funny. How the rays of light look as if it refuses to touch me. It casts its warmth everywhere else but me.

I wouldn't have to feel this anymore if I just fell! If this girl would just let me end it! The pain on my back from falling back due to her pulling me away from the edge of the roof didn't match how much my heart ached.

"You can't die! You can't do that!"

"Let go of me.. I don't even know you!"

"I won't. I can't. I can't let go," her voice cracked, almost sobbing her eyes out at that moment. She doesn't even know me. So why? Why can't she just let me end this?!

"I'm useless.." I said without thinking. I choked on those words because the thought suffocated. I can still smell the smoke and burning walls around me. I can still feel the the way my heart dropped when the elevator malfunctioned. That man.. How could he smile in that situation?! And all I ever did was tremble in fear as he grabbed onto the back of my suit, lifted me up and threw me out of the elevator towards the awaiting firefighters. The cables snapped right after.

'You need to live! I've sinned too much to those I love.. So, you can't be like that!'

But.. I've done so many bad things to my family too. I should be the one who's dead.

My breath turned ragged when I breathed out. I bit the inside of my lips but, the tears won't stop falling. I've cried a lot since I woke up. I cried endlessly because I knew that someone died because of me.

Mom. Dad. Etsuko-ne. Shion-ne.

I did so many bad things to them. I'm already a bad person!

"Everyone feels that way.." This girl's voice. It's soft and gentle. I can't see her face because she's clinging onto my neck like this. She somehow has the fragrance of summer.

I grabbed her shoulders to try and pry her away from me. She's wearing a summer dress. When I tried to push her away, she only clinged to me even closer. It felt cold a moment ago but, her arms around me felt warm.

"If you feel that you're useless.. And if you end your life here, you'll stay that way forever."


Those words. Why are they ringing in my ear?

"My grandfather told me that before. So.." she's still sobbing. "So, if you feel useless.. You can change! I'll help you!"

"Why.. Why are you doing this?!"

"Because I can't stand seeing people die anymore! Promise me you'll live! You'll help people, right?"

She made it sound so simple.

But, the simplicity of her words made me feel at ease.

After long moment of silence, I sighed and returned her hug. Without realising it, my tears have already stopped falling. She's so tiny. I wondered about her age. A small girl talking like that. She's strong, I can tell. Hugging her.. It feels calming. What is this feeling?

She's really warm. Maybe warmer than before.

Eh, why is everything blurry?

I didn't know what happened after that. All I remembered was how dizzy I felt before falling onto the floor with this girl still hugging me. But, I did see the parted clouds finally giving way to the sunlight. Finally.. The light might want to touch me again.

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