Chapter 10 ~ Summoned by the Student Counsil ~

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Kise's POV

I sat in class a few days later, sneaking glances at Megumicchi. I never noticed this before but, she always sit up straight with her chest open and back straight. She never slouches. Her eyes are always focused on the blackboard as her tiny hand writes down her notes. Wait.. She's left handed? Wahh~ Megumicchi really is a unique person!

I sat there in awe. Megumicchi always amaze me. I'm still very surprised by what she has experienced during her childhood. She's amazing. Such a tiny girl being able to go through all that on her own.

I couldn't deal with my own ugly past. But, she made me see it all from a whole new perspective because helping her, protecting her and just being close to her heals me more than anything else. She's so precious.

I put my chin on my palm and just stare at her. I really like being with her. She's different from anyone else and I like that.

"Kise-kun, what's the answer to this question?"

I snapped out when I heard the teacher mention my name.

I looked at the blackboard that was now filled with formulas and equations and just.. Numbers everywhere! I didn't even realise this was Math class!

I sweatdropped at my own thoughts. This is bad! That look on the teacher's face. He looks like he'll cook me alive or something.

"Stand up and answer the question!" He barked and I quickly stand up.

This is bad. This is bad. I suck at Maths!

My eyes moved without me realising and the person they landed on was Megumicchi. She has written the answer in her notebook. She pointed the tip of her pencil on a number.

"Answer it already, Kise-kun.."

"Ah, it's 7! The answer is 7.." I stuttered out.

I gave a sheepish smile as he rubbed his chin. "Hmm, good. That's correct."

I huffed out in relief. I think that was my first time getting a Math question correct right on the spot.

"Either way, don't you dare space out in my class again! You hear?!"

"Yes!" I said standing up straight.

He allowed me to sit down after that.

Man, that was close.


Author's POV

Megumi giggled at Kise's pouting face.

"Megumicchi.." Kise whined as he buried his face in his arms on Megumi's desk.

He had turned to talk to Megumi as soon as the bell rang and the teacher left. He didn't want any of the other girls to cut in on them like before.

"Why were you spacing out anyway, Kise-kun?" Megumi asked with a small smile.

Kise flinched. Well, he can't admit that he was staring at her, right? That's going to be awkward.

But, still.. Kise isn't the type to lie about how he feels so, he hesitantly answered anyway.

"I was.." Kise looked up at Megumi.

Megumi tilted her head to the side.

"I was sta-"

"Mirai Megumi, Kise Ryouta." A girl's voice cut in.

It took them both by surprise.

It was different from the squeals and cutie talk that Kise's fangirls always do. It was.. In an authority kind of way or more to formal.

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