Chapter 19 ~ Not Alone Anymore ~

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Megumi sat silently reading her book during lunch break. Kise was knocked out at the seat in front of her. Well, he just survived from a so-called horror movie last night so, who can blame him? He only slept for half an hour or so. That definitely took a toll on his well being.

"Kise-kun, are you sure you don't want to rest in the infirmary?" Megumi asked, putting the book down on the table.

"I-I just need to sleep a bit.." Kise said weakly.

"It would be more comfortable if you sleep on the infirmary bed."

"I don't think I could even walk there.."

Megumi just watched as a depressed aura emitted from Kise and drowned himself in fatigue.

Megumi closed her book, looking around worriedly. There were still a lot of students in the classroom, causing noisiness to fill the whole room. She was worried that Kise won't be able to rest well that way.

Some girls were eyeing Kise from across the room. They haven't come to flirt or squeal over Kise lately since the bullies were punished and the fact that Kise rarely leaves Megumi's side. They didn't want to be anywhere near her.

"Micchan!" She turned to see Minako smiling at her by the door.

"Minako-ne.. W-What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to bring you your bento~" the ginger said, showing Megumi the two bento in her hand with a bright smile on her face.

"Ah, you didn't have to.." Megumi felt guilty that Minako had to come all the way to her class just to give the bentos. Students were staring at Minako like she was crazy for approaching the labeled monster.

"It's okay, I wanted to! Besides, I was pretty much the only one who got enough sleep last night so, it's only fair, right?" Minako placed the bentos, one on Megumi's desk and the other on Kise's.

"Arigatou, Minako-ne.."

"No problem~" Minako said placing her hands on her hips proudly. She's very confident about her cooking. "By the way, doesn't Kise-kun want to rest in the infirmary?"

"He said he can't even walk there.." Megumi said bluntly. Just then, an even heavier dark aura fell on Kise.

Minako sweatdropped at the situation with an awkward smile on her face.

"Are you done yet?" Kasamatsu walked in, catching the other students' attention. It's not everyday that seniors come to their junior's classroom. Especially, if those seniors happen to be quite popular.

"Yeah but, Kise-kun needs someone to take him to the infirmary," Minako said, jabbing her thumb at the poor boy's direction.

"Let him be.." Kasamatsu deadpanned, grabbing Minako's wrist.


"Y-Yukio-nii.. Can you please help him?" Megumi requested.


Kasamatsu looked back at the two girls and sighed. He could never refuse his younger cousin's request plus, Minako was also giving him the look so, he had no choice.

"Fine," he said reluctantly.

"That's more like it, Yukio~ you need to be nice to our little Micchan's Kise-kun.." Minako said in a slightly lowered voice.

"E-Eh?" Megumi blushed as the praise
'Micchan's Kise-kun' . W-What does that suppose to mean?

Kasamatsu carried Kise on his back to the infirmary with Minako cheering him on while carrying the bento for Kise. The two somehow look like a married couple. Minako being the caring and cheerful mother while Kasamatsu being the grumpy father.

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