Chapter 49 ~ Hikari and.. ~

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Jin was so close to turning the doorknob when Megumi hastily pulled on his hand, stopping him in mid motion. It was a nerve wrecking situation with only a few steps away from facing truth to an unknown mystery, a connection that was never know before. Or perhaps, in Megumi's case.. She forgot.

Jin stared at Megumi in disbelief. They had to move now and see for themselves if it's true. If it's true that beyond that door, Akashi is the one being with Hikari.


Megumi stepped in between Jin and the door after Jin pulled his hand back to his side.

"W-Wait for a bit," Megumi sighed and stared back at him with eyes full of confusion. "I'll open it myself."


The door swung open.

Megumi was caught off guard, loosing her footing and fell backwards. Jin pulled caught her waist. He pulled her back close to him, slightly turning away from the door.

"My, my.. Kise would find that rather scandalous. Don't you think so, Mirai?"

With her face close to Jin's chest, she couldn't see the young man's face but, she knew his voice well. The voice of calm authority and absolute leadership. It was followed by a teasing chuckle, making Megumi completely abashed.

She turned to see him. True, he was standing right there. Akashi Seijurou..

"I suppose Minato-san's prediction was correct," Jin smirked in accomplishment. At least, his background check duty is less of a burden now since the solid proof himself is standing there at the doorway.

"I also suppose this is the time you unhand the young lady," Akashi mentioned swiftly, raising an eyebrow at Jin's arm around Megumi's waist.

Also remembering the position they were in, Megumi regained her own footing and pulled away from Jin. She gave no time for him to recover from the awkwardness and straight away presented her questions to the red haired one.

"W-What are you doing here, Akashi-kun?"

Akashi answered first with a smile. Being caught red handed doesn't seem to bother him.

"I am here to visit Hikari. Just like I always do.."


"Like I always do for many years.."

Megumi went frozen. Confused was an understatement to describe the tangled thoughts in her mind. Everything. Everything just seems too complicated for her right now.

Blurriness invaded her vision along with white and yellow spots flying as flickers in the image in front of her. Heavy breaths followed as she almost missed the seat behind her. She let the throbbing in her head spread.

"Someone please, tell me what's going on.."


Forth Arc : Akashi and Hikari

A small child peered from behind a tree, observing the red haired on who constantly looked around him frantically. His eyes were already watery, his nose getting red from holding in his cries. The three from which she hid behind was also hidden behind bushes so, the boy wasn't fully visible to her.

She looked behind her, checking whether her twin sister and older brother have arrived or not. It was their usual hide and seek spot in the mountain forest with the clear path just behind the tree she was standing under. No sign of them yet. Did she really run that fast just now?

If they were there, they would know what to do.

A leaf fluttered down onto her head. She blinked once before looking up. The tree was pretty easy to climb. She smiled and took off her shoes. She took a hold of a low branch and climbed higher up into the tree. As she climbed higher, the boy was more visible until she saw him fully.

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