Chapter 55 ~ Victory and Trouble ~

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Intense is an understatement for the training regimen that Megumi has put together. Well, maybe it wouldn't be that if Souma didn't modify it into some kind of basketball training for an army or something!

Forget laps around the gym! He made the team run from the village to the town next to it! Using the train would take under 20 minutes to arrive but, running along the road? Man, that could take forever if he didn't push them to run their butts off. Not only the distance but, also the geographical layouts of the road. Hill! Hills all the way.

That's not even half of the training he made them do in the few days before the next match.

By now, Ren and Hiro could clearly see what the panic was all about.


Meanwhile in Tokyo..

Jin observed as Megumi couldn't stop smiling during their ride to the hospital that day. He kept his eyes on the road but, he could tell from the corner of his eye that she had a warm smile on her face.

Even when they arrived and she was clipping Hikari's fingernails, she still smiled. She didn't say much. Everything was set into that content expression of hers.

"You sure seem happy today," Jin commented, looking at his phone.

Megumi stopped clipping Hikari's nail as she just realised it herself. She blushed beet red because she remembered all the things she talked about with Kise the other night.

"I-I h-had a talk with someone.." Megumi mumbled. Once again, Jin has very sharp ears. He heard her loud and clear.

He grinned and put his phone into his pocket before crossing his arms on his chest. His cool gaze landed on her in amusement.

"So, this is how a girl looks like after a phone call with someone she likes, huh?"

Megumi buried her face in her hands, steam evaporating from the top of her head.

Jin chuckled at her reaction. He rarely finds a girl that innocent from the place he's from or even the place he works now. All his life, he was surrounded by people with dark intentions. Hypocrites, fakes, liars, cheaters.. He has met them all of those in his past. Once he was invited into the special division under Asuka, only then he managed to figure out what family and friends are suppose to be like. Most of the members are weird and some are kinda like perverts though so, none are as innocent as Megumi.

Back to Megumi..

She hoped the team would do their best.

She wanted to see them again.

Especially, that one special blonde boy that makes her heart soar.


(Fast forward to the matches that followed and will be summarized. Just imagine them into some kind of anime AMV with the cinematic stuff. Sorry about this 😅)

After all the training, the team did their best in every upcoming match!

Kuroko Tetsuya, his low presence in the court is a big advantage to the miracles. Sure, his misdirection wears off at some point. But, the team has already made the score gap beyond repairable by the time the opponent notice it.

Midorima Shintaro, unless someone has enough jumping power to stop his sharp shots in mid motion.. He's baskets are unbeatable.

Aomine Daiki, his formless shot are the least of the opponents worries. With his agility, aggression, stamina and speed.. Well, they better know how to deal with their fears.

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