Chapter 1 - birthday

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"Hello, I'm Min Yoongi, but you can call me Yoongi or Suga." a medium heighted male spoke. The class went quiet as the teacher introduced the unfamiliar boy, explaining he was actually 2 years older and due to personal reasons was held back.

Jimin's eyes were glued to the pale boy as he walked towards his seat, ignoring the whispers and quiet screams of girls around him.

Jimin sat gormlessly staring, unaware that the moment Yoongi walked through those doors, he'd written out the next year of his life.


Author P.O.V

Tae's voice echoed through the corridors, bouncing off every empty wall as he ran towards Jimin, Jungkook following in embarrassment.

"Don't you look dashing today?"

Tae's soft spoken voice was laced with sarcasm, a smirk on his face as Jimin brushed him making his way towards their usual spot.

"Don't I usually?

Jimin spat as he ran his hands though he brown hair, each strands bouncing as he placed his bag harshly on the grass, sitting himself next to it. Tae and Jungkook followed, the pair practically mimicking the smaller's actions.

Jimin took a deep breath before turning to face his best friends who were currently stuffing their faces with food, their mouths that full he wasn't sure they'd even be able to chew.

"Seriously, how can you guys eat so much?"


"Same way you sit here every lunch break just to stare at Yoongi; because we love it."

Tae began to mock as he pushed his sandwich into his face, crumbs leaving both corners of his mouth as he fought against the remaining food.

"you're 17 now, a year younger than your beloved, you gonna grow some balls and talk to him."

Jungkooks voice sounded cocky, but the look of curiosity danced around his eyes, yet his long finger still pointing towards a group of lads that sat on the circle benches across from us. Jimin sat himself up enough to see the four male sitting in a circle on the opposite side of the field, each laughing and joking about. His eyes glued to one specifically , watching his every move as if stuck in a trance.

"I can't, he doesn't even know I'm alive."

Jimin looked away from the boy, his eyes meeting his feet as he swung them to and thro in attempts to ignore the mocking comments of his so called friends.

"how can he not? You've been in the same classes for over a year now!"

Jungkook questioned, his eyebrows furrowing together in curiosity before Jimins attempted reply was cut off by Tae's muffled words creeping through his sandwich filled mouth.

"Because Jimin hides from him."

Silence filled the three boys, nothing but the sound of the wind against the leave of the tree filled the air before all three bust out laughing. Jimin new full well his obsession with the male was ridiculous, stupid even but he couldn't help himself, he didn't even try.


Staring out the window at fifth period had become a habbit too, this was his only class that Yoongi sat behind him, and still he never noticed him. The smaller boy even once attempted to ask the older for a pen, his awkward stuttered words going unheard as he realised yoongi had headphones in.

Jimin was seriously getting bored of not being able to talk to the male,  never mind not even existing to him, it became infuriating the think about and at times he honestly wanted to just scream. But the pounding of his heart against his rib cage every time he caught a glimpse of the elder just caused him to bury himself back in his hole.



"What do you want now?"

Jimin sighed as he pulling his backpack over his shoulders, embarrassment filling his cheeks as he let his eyes wandered behind him; now upon the empty seat that was Yoongi's.

"What's up with you? Its your birthday, you should be happy..."

Jimin stood for a moment staring into Yoongi's seat, his body tensing slightly as a shiver ran down his spine before sighing again. It took Tae no longer than 0.1 of a second to understand the situation, his smile faltering a little at the sight of his hopeless best friend. With one swift move Jimin found himself chocking on his own words as he attempted to reply, his small body being dragged harshly though the classroom door, down several corridors before abruptly coming to a stop.

"What are we doing here?"

Jimin questioned, his face scrunching as his eyes scanned around him, he new this place, he was sure of it.

"You'll see - Jin Hyung!"

Tae peeked his head round the door before waving frantically at a tall, pink haired, slender man that sat facing the window. Jimin looked up at the class number, panic showing all over his face as his eyes widened. This was Jin... The Jin! The Jin Yoongi hung around with, the infamous SEOKJIN.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Jimin found himself spitting the question, the smallers hand slapping his friend's arm with more force than attended as he watched tae glare in his direction.

"Tae Tae!"

The pink haired boy beamed, his body bouncing towards them, arms open ready to embracing the younger with a squeeze.

"Hyung, I can't... Can't... Breathe"

Tae gasped for air, his hand shakily lifting only to pointing towards Jimin who's now confused expression was turning more into horrified.


"Seriously Tae... You told him everything?"

Jimin stood dumbfounded as Tae and Jin smiled shyly at the accusations.

"Not everything... I've know him for years... Plus he guessed, I didn't have to tell him."

"I've known you liked my little Yoongi since he started school. He might be oblivious, but I'm not."

Jin rose from the rooftop bench, his hair bouncing round his head softly before he slung his arm around Jimin's shoulder, a sweet smile creeping onto his face. The youngest eyes widened once again, horror filling his body as he watched jins eyes drop to a serious expression.

"I want to help, I'm sick of Tae complaining about you being all lovesick, this alien here cares too much."

"How are you gonna help me?".

Jimin sheepishly smiled, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head before sighing again, this wasn't gonna work. A smirk grew on Jin's face, his eyes narrowing even more creepily before he grabbed Jimin and Tae by the sleeves and dragged them out of school.

"I think you need a makeover."

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