Special chapter 4

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I said more smut, but Im fine leaving it where it is, sorry guys!😂
OMG guys 9k!!! Thank you!

Authors P.O.V
Jimin couldn't help but feel smug as he stumbled back up right, brushing the sweaty bangs from his forehead with the back of his hand as his eyes trailed up yoongis week body.

Yoongi on the other hand wasnt sure if what happened had even actually happened, his body feeling sensitive and warm all over was confusing him.

Both boys were a panting mess while slowly trying to gain some sort of sense to leave the closet they had ended up in. Ironic wasnt it? That that's where they ended up. Back where they started. In the closet.

Yoongi P.O.V
Thank God no one was in the corridor when me and jimin had decided to excite our little spot, how embarssing would that of been.

My legs felt like jelly still as i tugged on his small hands, forcing him out the door at a fast pace, his body moving easily; for someone who claims he's 'fat' he's as light as a feather.

"Whats the rush"

His small giggle after the question had a subconscious smile make its way to my lips, he really knew how to effect me with the smallest things.

My cold hand locked around his warm one, his fingers fitting perfectly in mine like we were meant to be, like the missing pieces to a jigsaw puzzle.

"Nothing, I'm hungry"

I know i sounded blunt and rude but that wasnt my intention, if I was being honest, it was a little embarrassing to come out a closet with him, especially because of what we had just done and how ironic the whole situation was.

The corridor around us began to fill up with people, there annoying laughter and echoing voices bouncing of the white walls and metal lockers. Yet all I saw and felt was jimin, the warmth that left his hand, the light taps of his trainers agaisnt the floor next to me, his soft breathing close to my ear; everything was him.

Suddenly my hand felt cold, his small chubby fingers loosening around mine as we entered into the main corridor towards a the canteen. My mouth suddenly tasted sick, like something really bad had just happened, the second his fingers moved from mine I felt like something was missing, like ID been dumped and left.

Then it hit me, the reason as to why he had let go, the reason to why his he'd hung lower than usual, the reason he'd  slowly made his way further behind me like we didn't know each other.

Because of me.

My stomach did a complete flip, my hands feeling cold and clammy as i realized this must of been how I made him feel when I pushed him away, when I acted like i didn't know him or want anything to do with him.

I glimpsed behind me as we kept walking, his pace slowing down even more than before till I was a good two meters in-front of him. Maybe it was me imagining things or i had gone completely crazy, but I swear I saw him rub his eyes with the back of hand, whatever it was it was enough to make me stop dead in my tracks and turn to face him.

Right now it was like time had stopped for me and him, peoples voice, faces and bodies zooming past me so fast I couldn't see anything, while Jimin seemed to stand still in-front of me, his head still low.

I couldn't take my eyes off him, the way his hair fell perfectly, his cheeks which were tinted red, the way his jumpers and tops were always bogey, how his skinnies fit his perfectly and the way no matter where he is, knowing he's mine makes me feel warm inside.

He had become my everything, my reason for laughing, smiling, breathing, blinking, eating, sleeping, literally the reason for it all and everyone needed to know that.

So with one last deep breath, shaky hands and more courage than I ever thought I could have I decided I was going to take a stand, no matter the outcome or problems that it would course. I wanted the whole world to know that my whole being, my whole soul and everything I have belongs to him.

That I love Jimin.

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