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Yoongi P.O.V
It's strange how your whole life can change in a flash, how your whole life can be flipped upside and back to front in a blink of an eye.

The human body was a weird thing, emotions and attachments that make your whole body burn and all your senses tingle. Humans in general were odd.

Something I never really understood was how one second you have complete control over yourself and the next you can't even function without that addictive drug, without that one person who makes your whole head spin and your heart beat a thousand times fast.

But that's the story of my life I suppose.

He was the reason I smiled, the reason I laughed, the reason I woke up in the morning, my whole life and my whole being. The one that made my heart beat and my skin prickle with every touch.

Park Jimin.

So what exactly happened to us you wonder? Well honestly how much detail do you want? Because as far as I can remember, you've all missed a lot in eight years.


"Tae stop it"

Jimins sweet giggle filled my ears as I watched his body bounce across the sand, his hair flowing with the wind while he launched himself towards taehyung.

He looked beautiful this way, with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.

A warm breeze brushed past my cheek as my eyes stayed glued to the man in front of me, as well as five other dorks. Hoseok laughter filled the deserted beach, making it seem like there was hundreds of people around us instead of just seven of us. Namjoon was currently kneeling in the sand drawing something while Jin was acting motherly as usual, shouting at everyone too be careful in case they fell. Jungkook was being Jungkook, his face shoved into a drawing pad while his eyes followed his; and I quote 'soul mate'.

Honestly, that statement was laughable, when I was younger anyway but now, if I was being truthful, I had found my soul mate, my one and only.


It felt smooth against my skin, the cold metal slowly circling my finger as my eyes stayed lost in trance. I know it all seems cliche and movie like, all fictional and well... cliche. But the day that man give me this ring my whole life changed.

"Baby... why do you keep playing with it like that?"

My head raised up a little, the bright sun being blocked by a beautiful mop of dark hair and I bright smile. The log that I was sat on shifted against the sand, jimins small yet curvy frame sinking into my side while his arm looked around mine.

"I still can't believe it"

I hadn't realised how quiet my voice actually was, but Jimin sure did, his sweet laughter filled my ears along with a gentle, soft kiss that he placed against my cheek.

"It's been a year already huh?"

"I suppose it has"


"Your turn"

My eyes darted across to tae who was now standing proud in the sand, his feet buried deep just to make sure he didn't fall forward into the oddly and badly made bomb-fire hoseok and jungkook had made.

I always had liked the nighttime out here, every since that small vacations everyone had tricked me and Jimin into, we all agreed to come here every year and we have done.

So currently we were all sat in a circle in the sand, a cute-ish bomb fire in the middle, with snacks and presents. Presents you ask? Well considering it's only half way through the year and no ones birthday I guess you're all confused but we agreed because we all couldn't meet up at Christmas, whenever we came here we would share Christmas presents.

This year instead we decided to do secret Santa, so far jungkook had bought Jin pink hair dye and a pink sweater, namjoon had bought tae a oversized grampa jumper; which honestly didn't suit him at all, hoseok had bought me... well that didn't matter one bit. All that was left was Jins present to namjoon, taes present to hoseok, jimins to jungkooks and mine to jimins.

God I was nervous.

It wasn't long till tae had thrown his present across to hoseok, the sunshine himself beaming as tae proudly smiled at his gift; brand new dance shoes. Jimin has kindly bought jungkook an oversized bunny jumper, even I thought it looked kinda' cute on him. Jin had bought namjoon... toys; god I nearly vomited at the sight.

So now it was my turn, maybe because I was so nervous it suddenly felt colder, maybe the fire was going down or it was gonna rain...

I was just being stupid and I knew that but what I couldn't seem to stop my hands from doing was shake as I passed the badly wrapped box next to me, jimins warm small hands brushing passed mine as he slowly accepted it.

Jimin P.O.V
Yoongi looked nervous for some reason, his eyes darting back and forth from me to the present, why was he acting like that?

"Come on jiminie open it"

Jungkooks boney elbow nudged into my side causing me to giggle a little, before nodding at him. I carefully pulled away the badly wrapped paper before slowly sliding the lid off the top.

I couldn't help but smile as I was greeted with several pictures of all of us, some with nice picture frames others just loose in the box. The next thing I came to was a tiny pair of baby pink socks...

Wait what?

I knew my feet were small, but they weren't this small... My head turned to yoongi, my eyes scanning past everyone's confused faces before I finally met yoongis nervous one.

"K-keep going"

Suddenly I felt weird inside, like my stomach was about to erupt, I'm not sure with what but it felt funny and for some reason my hands had become a little sweaty.

I removed the small socks, placing them on the photos in the lid of the box, I still couldn't seem to shake the nervous feeling, even more as I pulled several folded pieces of paper from the bottom of the box.

And then it hit me, my eyes bang to burn, the salty liquid falling down my cool cheeks, my hands were shaking and sweaty and I completely forgot how to breath. Was what I was reading real? We're the words I was seeing through teary eyes really what was happening. It was like time had completely stopped, the world around me coming to a complete holt while I try to understand what was happening.

My eyes frantically passed around everyone faces, large smiles crowing infront of me while the information had only just began to sink in.

"Y-yoongi... b-baby s-socks? -and and adoptions pa..."

His smile became larger than life, his eyes disappearing under his hair while he tried to form a response to my question.

"Baby, jiminie... I-s this o-okay?"

Was this ok?
Was he stupid, I could of hit him there and then if it wasnt for the fact my body was moving without me and wrapping myself around his small frame.

"Y-you idiot... I- I love y-you"

I tried so hard to stop myself from crying with happiness, from stuttering and mumbling into his jumper, but I couldn't at all. We had come so far and now we were about to start our own family. I had butterflies in my tummy and couldn't bring myself to stop smiling one bit, I really did love him.



So guys, how do you like this ending better? Maybe this still wasn't how I wanted it to end or even how you all wanted it to end but I was so into writing this Story I never really worked out how I wanted it to be but I hope you are all satisfied.

Thank you so much to everyone who's been here with me, who read and voted for every chapter and encouraged me to keep writing even when I didn't feel like my stories were any good. Thank you so much.

Please don't forget to read my other story's. Iloveyouall

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