Chapter 39 - playing off

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Yoongi continued to hang over the younger, still losing all his senses as his brain wondered aimlessly.

Did jimin feel the same, was this real, was i being an idiot, was it all pretend. So many questions and theory's played around in his mind, some good, some bad but all involved jimin.

Jimin also found himself being drawn into the beautiful silence, losing his mind in the elders eyes above him.

The silence soon came to an end with a soft whisper.

"Jimin... Can I kiss you?"

Jimin P.O.V
The question caught me off gaurd, why would he ask, is he really clueless to how I feel?

I couldnt help but let a small smile spread across my face as he leaned down slowly, his eyes not once leaving mine.

Then I felt it, his small, soft lips press agaisnt mine. This kiss was different, it wasnt full of lust, it wasnt rushed, he didnt ask for entrance. It was a slow and small kiss that sent butterflies fly round my stomach and as cliche as it sounds fireworks literally exploded.

Yoongi pulled away from me, his eyes softened as a smile plastered his face before he bit his bottom lip. God damn boy, dont start this now.


I lifted my behind from the covers, pulling them under my body and yoongi rolled off me, his eyes still looking at me.

"Help me take this off first?"

Yoongi tilted his at me before realising I was still wearing the sock, choker and ears.


Within 0.01 of a second after the last set of butterflies another lot came jumping into my stomach, yoongi giggled, not laughed, giggled; its was beautiful.

I rolled the socks down my legs and yoongi leaned behind my neck, popping the clip of the choker and letting it fall between my legs. The ears were then removed and everything placed on the table next to the bed.

Again yoongis slim arms wrapped around my waist pulling me as close to him as humanly possible, his chin resting on my head, his hands clinging to the cloth of my T-shirt.

This odd feeling was something I wasnt sure I would like, something i didnt think was even possible, especially with yoongi. But here i was, the quiet ass park jimin snuggled in bed, in a cabin by the beach surrounded by friends; cliche but beautiful.

Yoongis slow breaths filled the air around me, my eyes becoming heavy and soon after sleep took over.

Yoongi P.O.V
I couldnt fall asleep, even if I tried, I loved jimin... I FUCKING LOVE JIMIN.

I tilted my head down enough to see jimins closed eyed through the loose strands of hair, he looked like prince?... Princess? God im all so new to this feeling that my brain isnt functioning straight.

My eyes widened as a small snore left his lips before he giggled in his sleep, fuck hes so cute. I shuffled myself down a little,trying not to wake him, now facing him.

I know it sounds creepy, just staring at someone while they sleep but I couldnt help it, I had butterflies and this weird feeling in my stomach, it made me feel sick but smile at the same time.

I couldnt control myself around him, I couldnt control my feelings and my actions, it was driving me crazy.

I leaned forward, again trying not to wake him, I pressed my lips against his forehead, my whole body heated up from the simple touch. Jimin turned in his sleep, his back now pushed against my chest, heating me up even more.

"I love you jimin"

Jimin P.O.V
Realising id fallen in love with yoongi seemed to change everything, i wasnt sure if that was a good thing or not.

The morning seemed normal, like how it usual was or has been but after breakfast yoongi became different, like distant. I tried to kiss him on the sofa and he used the excuse he need the toilet as to why he wouldnt kiss me back. Then stayed in our room all morning, I went and asked what was wrong and he said he was tired, nothing else. Maybe I was over thinking it, Maybe I was being stupid but it hurt a little, no a lot, he was hurting me again and I dont think he even knows hes doing it.

Its happening all over again

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