Chapter 34 - shopping

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Yoongi P.O.V
Again i found myself a nervous mess, why the hell am i nervous? Maybe because i called it a date, it wasnt my fault though, it just slipped out.

I stood akwardly at the cabin door, the warm wind blew past my face, the sun shone brightly in the clear sky. I took in a deep breath as i walked towards the bench that sat under the front window.

Jimin would look so good in knee high socks, Fuck, and a pink choker... With a bell. Why my mind had decided to decieve me right now i was unsure but part of me wasnt complaining.

My cheeks became hot as my pants tightened; he wasnt even my boyfriend, i didnt even know if he still liked me and here i was imagining him in some pretty sexy and kinky shit; yoongi what the hell are you doing!

I tapped my fingers agaisnt the wooden bench as i continued to wait for jimin to finish getting ready. Do you think he would mind if i bought him them? Would he be offended?

My thoughts were interrupted as the front door opened with a creek, i shot upright, face still red, pant even tighter. I akwardly pulled on my tshirt, attempting to pull it over my crotch just enough to avoid confusion or misunderstanding but apparently it didnt work. Jimins face became just as red as mine as his eyes darted down to my crotch and back up, before he shyly smiled and gesturedd for us to set off.

Why was he being shy now, his innocents corrupts me more.


"Its so beautiful here" jimins cheery voice ringed in my ears as we continued to walk down the road, the streets werent busy although the shopping center ahead looked popular.
"Want to go shopping?" Although my question sounded innocent my thoughts were completely impure at the moment in time.

Jimins eye smile caused me to blush as he grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers before pulling me towards the shops.


After an hour of aimlessly walking in every shop we saw, jimins belly rumbled, i looked next to me to see his hands on his stomach and a shy smile on his face.


He nodded in response before once again pulling me towarda a small cafe at the far end of the shopping center. As jimin pushed open the wooden door my eyes caught site of a shop... Perfect.

"Jiminie?" Jimins cheeks tinted a light shade of pink.
"Yoongie" jesus this boys gonna give me a heart attack
"You go take a seat, i just need to grab something" i tried not to smirk as he nodded and entered the cafe.

This shop was amazing, yet i found myself awkwardly standing in the door way, my feet wouldnt budge forward. What if he thinks im creepy? Or a freak?... Then again after yesterday anything possiable.

I hadnt even stepped one foot in the door before a small, tiny girl was stood infront of me, her smile bigger than life; but not as big as jiminies.

"May i help you" her smile stayed on her face as i tried to exolain what i was looking for without sounding weird.
"Right this way"


I clutched the black bag in my hand as i entered the cafe, havent you noticed the second the bag you hold becomes black people automatically look at you different, like they all know whats in it.

"Hyung!" Jimin waved from across the cafe.
"What did you buy?" My head shot up to face him before i tried hiding it.
"Nothing just boxers, i didnt bring enoug" a small laugh left his mouth as i fiddled with the menu.
"Shall we order?"

The night was still early, or thats how it seemed as yoongi and jimin began to head back to the cabin. Although their phones read 5:33pm the sun was still high in the sky, lighting everything it touched.

There was a silence between them both as the walked past a small toy shop, large teddies and cute kids toy displayed in the window. Yoongis eyes kepy glancing between jimins face and his small hands and he slowly edge himself closer. His heart was beating really fast over something so small and simple as holding hands and although they had done sexual stuff to yoongi the little things were just as important. The elder took a deep breath before interlocking there fibgers, his eyes looking anywhere but at the blushy younger next to him.

Yoongi still clenched the black bag in his hand as they continued to walk; somethings gonna go down.

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