Chapter 4 - now you dont

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Author P.O.V
"Good luck!"

Tae's laud voice banged inside Jimins ears as He stood hesitant at the detention door, the younger waved back trying to form a small smile on his face but failed as panic set in.

He ran his fingers across the door handle, taking in a deep breath before slowly pushing the door open and letting his eyes rest on his surroundings.

Jimin's P.O.V
Attitude Jimin, attitude.

I pushed the door open, letting my legs carry me in before throwing my green slip onto the desk. I found myself lifting my legs up, pushing my chair back in attempts and hopes of sleeping through this but I was rudely interrupted by a pair of eyes. I could feel them burn into my head, like daggers and at this point I'd pretty much had enough of everything today, so with another sharp intake of breath I turned my head. God he was the most beautiful human in the world staring at me wide eyed.

"Right. Get your homework out, you have one hour."

The teachers voice caught me off guard as he spoke before walking out the door and leaving us sitting in silence. I could feel Yoongi's sweet glare as I quickly sorted myself out, pulling my books out from my bag before sitting up straight.

I pulled my art folder out, trying to avoid Yoongi's glare that hadn't shifted from me one but failed as his eyes widened. My heart began to beat even faster, my hands becoming sweaty as I fumbled with the paper in front of me.

"Excuse me."

Yoongis voice caused me to jump slightly in my seat, my heart skipping a beat as a tried to compose myself.


I turned my head nervously and reluctantly, trying to keep any sanity I had left as I found yoongi staring at me. His eyes were wide, his pale skin looking even paler up close, I found myself letting my eyes scan across all his features my mouth slacking slightly.

"Tutor me?"

"Sorry what?"

I didn't mean for attitude to be thrown in with my words, especially now of all times but putting up an act all day then the realization that Yoongi was fucking talking to me... The attitude just fell out my mouth before I could even proses it.

"Oh-erm..sorry, you must be new. I'm Min Yoongi and you're Park Jimin, right?"

My heart sunk a little, my eyes lowering to scan the floor under us as I caught his gummy sweet smile out the corner of my eye. How could he not know I've been in his class's all year?.

"Erm yeah, I am...but I'm not new, I sit behind you in a-all my classes."

For some stupid reason I'd gone from the cocky attitude as I was trying to have to now being a stuttering and mumbling mess. God help me.


I lifted my head a little, enough to catch him lowered his before shifting in his chair.

"Sorry. I sleep a lot."

My heart actually ached a little, I was embarrassed by my stupid mumbling and stuttering, how I couldn't seem to function when he was around and to top it all off he didn't even know who I was. I could've buried a hole and sat in it at that moment.

Author P.O.V
The hour seemed to fly by once Yoongi had asked Jimin to tutor him, they came to the agreement every night after school for 2 weeks untill the exam. When I say they, I mean Yoongi came to the agreement, Jimin on the other hand was to busy losing himself in Yoongi's eyes to realise what he was even agreeing to, not that he cared.


Unknown number:
Jimin, we still on for tonight?

Who's this?

Unknown number:
Yoongi? And are we?

oh... Yeah I'll meet
you outside the school

Jimin quickly saved Yoongi's number while smirking massively to himself, It had been two days since they first spoke, two days since Jimin's make over. The whole thing had calmed down a little but not enough as he still caught a lot of unwanted attention

"Oi princess, what you smiling about?"

Tae whispered as he slung his arm over Jimin's shoulder, the younger jumping in shock but smiled nonetheless as they both walked out of their classroom and made their way to the spot on the field. Jungkook followed shortly after as usual, meeting them with a hug so strong that it knocked them back on the grass.

"Seriously, why are you two so happy?"

"No reason, just woke up with way."

Jimin didn't pull his eyes away from the group of boys eating their lunch, a small smile making its way to his face as he watched Yoongi half asleep.

"And you, Kookie?"

Tae had gone from rolling his eyes at Jimin to now furrowing his brows as Jungkook gave them a smirk, his hands fumbling in his backpack before pulling out a slip of paper.

"I passed my maths test!"

At this moment Jimin and Tae burst out laughing, rolling around on the floor as their hands clenched to their stomach, tears streaming down their cheeks.

"Only a nurd would be happy about that!"

Jungkook crossed his arms and pouted, his hair falling across his forehead in attempts to look Cute  before being dragged into an embrace of laughter by his two hyungs.


The elders voice bounced as he shouted at the top of his lungs, arms frantically moving in every direction.
Jimin lifted his head to find all four boys including Yoongi looking up at them, his heart skipped a beat as he watched a small smile grow on his face before turning away.

"Hey you loud little craps."

Jins hair danced around as he shouted, a smile followed by a winked and a swift turning was as far as the conversation went before he too turned back to his friends.

Jin P.O.V
"How do you know them again?"

J-Hope question took me by surprise, I found myself watching as his eyes never left the three youngers.

"Oh, they hung at mine the other night."

J-Hope had been informed unlike Namjoon what was happening with Jimin but he was that engrossed in his Xbox game that he wasn't listening at all; this shit.

"Wait, what?"

I watched Hoseoks head snap back towards me lifting his brows in shock.

"I told you this the other day."

Namjoon was now snickering into his can of coke as I stared irritated at the idiot in front of me. In fact, I was that annoyed that he clearly wasn't listening to my plan the other day that I found myself throwing my sandwich at him, slapping him in the face.

"That's what you get for not listening to your hyung... And sassing me."

Authors P.O.V
Yoongi was listening to everything around him for once, he wasn't sure why he had never cared before but for some reason, he found everything that involved his new 'friend' interesting.

- Park Jimin huh?

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