Chapter 9 - regretting

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Jimin's P.O.V
I couldn't even musk any words together. His stern and regretful tone ran wild around my head as I watched his back disappear down the stairs and out the door. I sat their unable to move, unable to speak. The world stopped and in the shittiest way possible.

Before I even realised what was happening tears uncontrollably started to leave my eyes, running wild down my cheeks and causing a swimming pool on my bed sheets.

I really couldn't understand anything, someone I tried so hard to get noticed me, touched me, kissed me. I showed him my body that I hid from everyone else. Then he leaves.

"That was a mistake... I'm sorry."

Was I not good enough?
did I do something wrong?
Did I look ugly, was I fat?
Did he hate me? I didn't fucking get it and it was infuriating.

"Jimin?" a confused Jungkook  popped his head round my door before rushing to my side.
"" were the only words I could forth out between sobs.
"Chimchim...What happened? Is it because of me? I'm so sorry." Kookie wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling my head into the crock of his neck and making small circles into my back.
"I... I don't know what happened, he just left."

Yoongi's P.O.V
"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK." honesty if I had of screamed any louder you would have heard me from Mars.
"I'm straight...FUCKING STRAIGHT."

I threw myself into my covers, wrapping my arms around my pillow and burying my face into it. "I'm straight." I mumbled under silent sobs.

I pulled my phone from my pocket before opening my messages and clicking on J-Hope.

I fucking did it. I'm straight. Now FUCK off

why so serious?

Authors P.O.V
Yoongi's phone left his hands with force, shattering as it hit the floor. Fuck. The feelings he was feeling weren't something he's ever felt before, his face flushed every time Jimin popped into his head, his heart rated increased every time his lips tingled after the thought of Jimin's on his. Yoongi buried he's head into his pillow even more as he continue to tell himself what he was feeling was just becsuse he's confused, Because it was new, because he hadn't been with a women in a while. He was simply going with the flow.

Jimin on the other hand was actually heartbroken, he'd been so deeply in love with the older, so infatuated, so consumed by the moment that none of this crossed his mind.

His nuddged his head further into Jungkook's nape as Taehyung sat playing with his hair. Kookie and Tae were baffled and confused, never mind Jimin but tried comforting the best they could without hurting him more.

"That was a mistake... I'm sorry."

Seokjin's P.O.V
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, that stupid boy is still in fucking denial.
"You two, with me!" I yanked both Jungkook and Tae by the hands, pulling them harshly towards the the three elders sat on the grass.

Yoongi's P.O.V
"Are you fucking stupid?!" Jin snapped.
"What?" I mumbled in confusion as I stared blankly at Jin and the others.
"You kissed that poor boy." Jin's words making a small blush crawl on my face as I tried to shake yesterday's mistake away.

I shrugged my shoulders before lying my head back into my arms. "Got caught in the moment... I only kissed him." I scoffed at the last word before shooting my head back up.

"That's not all you did." Jungkook's mumble was so little Yoongi prayed no one heard it...But clearly someone would.
"kookie sweetie, what do you mean, (ital.) that's not all?" Jin snapped in the scariest way... With a smile.

I stared at Jungkook, my eyes piercing into his soul before speaking once more. "I get it, I was wrong. I'll apologize."

Namjoon smirked at my response knowing out of the four older males him and Yoongi were the only two to know what really happened. I scoffed once again before turning on my heels giving both two youngers a - say a word I'll kill you- look.

"What the fuck am I gonna  say... What am I supposed to say... Fuck..This is so awkward." I mumbled to myself while running my hands in my hair.


Why do I feel like this?
I found Jimin walking towards his spot on the hill, his head somewhat down. A small feeling grew in my stomach which I assumed was guilt, I must have shocked him.

I decided in that moment he was a nice kid, I got along with him and I needed to apologize for my behavior - Yoongi grow a pair.

"Jimin...erm, C-Can we talk?"

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