Chapter 31 - bed time

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Yoongi had finally managed to drop the human lump clinging to his chest, the younger refused to let go for some odd reason and even though hed managed to place him onto his bed; he still wasnt letting go.

"Jimin, come on, im tired" yoongis quiet voice barley audible ringed in the youngers ears as his head shot up, now fully awake.
"Hyung?" The elders cheeks burned at the site of jimin

Jimin P.O.V
Why was a being like this? My bonor had once again sprung in to action the second i felt yoongis hands stroke passed my arse. God child your meant to be innocent.

"Sleep with me?"

Yoongis gummy smile appeared on his face causing every inch of me to tingle, to lose control. I wasnt sure why i was being like this, why i wanted him so bad, why i was attempting to be dominant, because im smol, im not very good at it. That being said right there and then id made my mind up; i was having him tonight, one way or another.

I didnt even give him chance to answer as i nervously stroked my hand over his crotch before locking my arms around his back and pulling him ontop of me.

"Ji...jimin, what are you doing"

I coukd hear the nervousness in his voice which managed to calm me but make me smirk at the same time. I wasnt doing anything; promise.

Yoongi P.O.V
How we'd managed to get ourself into this position i dont really know. All i knew was if he said or did one more thing i was about to lose it.

I was now kneeling ontop of him, both hands keeping my up, my knees pushed into the matress, jimin looking at me wide eyes from between my legs. Our eyes stayed locked to each other before he slowly lifted his hand to cures my cheeks. My stomache did a flip as he again slowly leaned forward, dragging his bottom lip across my cheek before stopping at my ear.

"Hyung" he breathed out a small moan before biting the bottom of my ear and pulling away, only looking at me innocently after.

Id lost it.

My right hand pushed him with some force, shoving his left shoulder into the head bored; right now i wasnt really sure what i was doing, i knew i was being a little forceful but i couldnt control myself.

" are you doing" the tone of his voice only made me smirk, it wasnt fear nor nervousness... More lust and needy.
"Nothing baby, let me take care of..." I didnt finish my sentence i only looked down and smirked more at the tent in his pants.

I watched as his face turned red and he mumbled in response. I couldnt help but smile at how he fiddled with his fingers and looked anywhere but at me.

I placed my hand under his chin, forcing him to look  up at me while i kept balance with my left hand, his tongue ran across his bottom lip before nipping the corner in between his teeth. I smashed my lips with his, instantly sticking my tongue into his wet mouth; tasting every inch of him i could.

His hands made there way to the back of my neck, his fingers locking into my hair before lightly tugging it. I bit harshly on his bottom lips, causing a small moan to leave his lips into my mouth.

"Yoongi aha" my dick twitched.

I let go of his chin, trailing my hand down his chest before running my fingers under his top; his skin was boiling, fuck.

I continued to kiss, my tongue searching every inch of him; fuck he tasted so good. I slowly pulled my hand down to his croch, harshly pushing my palm onto his rock hard cock, i took his lip between my teeth one more time before trailing kisses down his jaw to his neck; sucking and biting harshly on his pale skin.

I wanted to mark him, i need to, people needed to know he was mine.

"Fuck, aha" i pulled away for only second. Makimg eye contact with him before trailing my eyes down to his swollen, red lips.

I ting of guilt came over me as i continued to look at him, this familiar scene of him panting and sweating under me.

"Jimin... I..."

His lips smashed with mine as he pulled my head towards his, his tongue now being dominant before sucking on my bottom lip, saliva trailing as he pulled away.

"Its oky" he eye smile causing my stomache to slip.

I smiled shyly before locking my right hand with one of his from behind my head. His hand fit perfectly into mine as i slammed it agaisnt the headboard.

"Yoongi... I need... You"

I now had no control

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