Special chapter - 1

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Because I couldnt leave this story the way I did... But I didnt want to continue to book much either; Plus I wasnr so sure about a sequel so gonna randomly upload some extra chapters for ya!!!

Authors P.O.V
To say yoongi was on edge was an understand, he was petrified. Of what you ask? School. Not in the sense of it was the first day back after summer break, not those high school nerves you get from not being there in weeks, no. Yoongi was petrified of people knowing he was gay.

He wasnr ashamed of it, not really and he certainly wasnt embarrassed to be with jimin, no. His friends accepted it, his family didnt care and jimin loved him the way he was.

But going from the straight guy who got a lot of girls attention, to the guy who (excuse my language) gives it uo the ass to that quiet kid from the back of glass, wasnt something hes ever experience and if he was being honest, he was shitting himself.

"Joanie" Yoongis quiet whisper barley made its way into the tall now purple haired males ear as they entered the school grounds.

"You never call me that... Whats wrong" namjoon had come to a complete stop at this point, harshly grabbing the smaller my the shoulders to face him.

"Its just... You know..."

"Your gay and no one knows... Yeah you've said this already..."  Namjoon foot impatiently tapped agaisnt the concrete of the floor, he wasnt trying to be an ass, but all yoongi had done on the walk to school was... Well complain.

"Look, yoongi, does it reallt matter what people say or do? Since when did what people have to say bother you? You and jimin work, in some odd fucked up way... You work. Thats all that matters" he paused for a second, his eyes following yoongis to stare at what had become the most fascinating thing the smaller had ever seen; his shoes.

"Plus... You weren't a very good closet gay to begin with"

On that note yoongis had quickly slapped the back of namjoon head, earning a small whimper from the taller male.

"I know i know.. Come on their waiting for us" yoongis head soon found its way to face the floor again as the due began to walk towards the school field.


"Hyung?... What a wrong" jimin was currently trailing being yoongi.

After receiving their new term schedule, they had found that all three years were mixed for certain lessons, p.e and music being just some of them. Jimin was ecstatic to be in the same class as his boyfriend for both of them while yoongi seemed to be less than pleased with how it had turned out.

"N-nothing.. Were gonna be late" the small yet taller male awkwardly squatted away the small hands, shoving his own into his pocket as he practically ran to class.

Jimin was dumbfounded, if that even came close to the small sting of pain that ran over him. He found himself abruptly stopping in the middle of the hall, watching as yoongi continued walking to class, not once looking back. He hadnt even noticed his boyfriend wasnt following behind anymore and for the small part that bothered jimin.

Jimin was use to the cold behaviour of his boyfriend, to the blunt and sometimes rude comments he could make because he knew it was NEVER meant to harm anyone or offend them: thats just how he was. But not once had yoongi refused to hold his hand, pushed his fingers away. Same goes for the short meeting on the school field this morning, they were fine, they even cuddled together but the second another student appeared yoongi detached himself and disappeared.

"Hyung... Youre being mean"

"Who is?" Jimins small head bobbed to the side as he turned to face whoever had interpreted his moment.

"Jin hyung?" Although it was meant to be a statement the smaller seemed to of come across like he was asking a question.

"Whats up"

Jins smile dropped from his face the second jimins mouth began to pour the two scenes that had happened from this morning. Although Jin was considered one of yoongis best friends, he couldnt help but become protective over the smaller boy infront of him; instantly going into mother mode whenever he was upset and 'underage' for things. This time being one of them.

"Wait till I see that grampa I swear!"

Jimin was now tugging on the orders sleeve as he stormed towards jimins first class, the younger trying to calm his 'mother' down from exploding and causing a scene the first day back.

It wasnt like jimin didnt understand completely, it was hard for yoongi to accept himself never mind other people but at the same time, jimin had been openly gay for as long as he could remeber; so he didnt get it at all.

"Jin... Its fine dont worry, while you were about to explode I got an idea, thanks hyung" and with one quick hug and a shove jimin disappeared into his class leaving a very confused and angry Jin.

So I realised while writing this i had no idea what I was writing untill it was to late, wait though... Shits gonna go down!

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