Special chapter 7

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Jimin P.O.V
I have no idea what took over me, it was like someone sparked a deep flame inside me I didn't even realize I had.

I was angry, no infuriated. Not even because water had been thrown on me, not because even after ten minutes of only a small percentage of school witnessing yoongis beautiful, yet random outburst people were already making jokes. No. I was annoyed, upset and completely pissed at the way it had clearly made yoongi feel.

Maybe I was over thinking the whole situation, maybe the look on yoongis face and the sadness that came from his eyes was all my imagination. Even so, I couldn't stop the flame inside me from completely erupting the second yoongis head hung low and his eyes didn't once look at mine.

So my feet began to move without me even realising, my fists curling up into a ball so tight I could feel the blood leaving my fingers. No one was going to make MY yoongi feel anything less than perfect.


Tae and yoongis voice echoed in my ears as I practically barged past them, heading straight towards the main yard of school.

"I said he's mine"

I didn't know what I was going to do when I got there, what I was even going to say to them and I could practically see how this was going to end yet I couldn't stop myself at all, I was running on adrenaline and anger.

I could hear the sound of trainers against grass as I continued to move at an oddly fast pace towards the busy area of the school. I could feel the burning of peoples eyes all around my, judging not only what they were seeing now but what happened earlier and all that really did was fuel my anger even more.

Maybe at this point I should of stopped, the second I saw the faces of the kids who had caused my whole problem, maybe I should of stopped when I saw one of them had noticed me and maybe I should of turned around and acted like nothing had happened. But how could I? Yoongi had spent this whole time protecting me and for what? Me to just let him, for me to do nothing when it came down to him being hurt. No.

"J-Jimin what are you... shit"

And just like that I went from a few meters away from this kid to being completely on top of him. My fist marking contact with his face at such a force that bloody literally flew out his nose.

I couldn't control myself at all, like all I was seeing was red and black, no people at all. I could hear the shouts of other students and yoongis voice as he encouraged me to carry on? ~ what type of boyfriend is he?~ I could feel two hands grab my shoulders as my body continued to lean into this little shits, my fits repeatedly colliding with anything they could.

Then it all stopped.

Everything went quiet, my body slammed against the cold cement under me as tae and jungkooks faces came into my line of view.

"Jimin, calm down"

I found myself sitting up, my eyes scanning at the shocked yet oddly happy students around me, everyone's eyes flickering from me to the pathetic excuse of a human on the floor across from me. Not one part of me wanted to look at him, to even see what mess I'd created and how much I'd completely lost it. All I wanted to do was hug yoongi.


I tilted my head to the side, the sun blinding me momentarily as my eyes adjusted, only to see yoongi leaning over me with a small smile on his face.

"Who knew my cute boyfriend was such a bully"

A smug look made its way to his face as he sat on the floor next to me, both his arms wrapping around my waist to pull me closer between his legs.

This wasn't how I imagined my first fight at all, it was weird, I thought it would feel different or at least cause more of a commotion but instead I had ending up in my boyfriend arms with him mocking my attempts to punch while my friends laughed around me like nothing had even happened. I'd been so lost in thought I hadn't even heard the other students chattering and carrying on with their lives or the teacher shouting at the kid I'd just punched for making a mess on the floor.


My life was hectic and confusing, it didn't go anything like it does in the movies and as far as this school and how it was run went; it was shit. But I had a boyfriend and amazing friends, being the goody kid had it's benefits too. I couldn't really complain, not anymore.

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