Chapter 28 - not so slow

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"Fuck, aha" the low groan from the elder caused jimins still rock solid boner to become even harder, if it was even possible.

Yoongis hands trailed to jimins waist, digging his thumbs into his hips, making sure to bruise the younger. Small pants and moans left jimins lips as he continued to suck harshly on yoongis pale skin.

Jimin once again found himself losing control around the elder, wanting nothing more than to take all of him in; his scent, his taste, his touch. Jimin continued to trail kisses down yoongis neck before Making his way to his collier bones.

Yoongi P.O.V
I wanted so badly to stop him, I didnt want him to think I was using him again, I wanted him to know I actually liked him but FUCK this boy was making it hard.

I lightly pushed him away from me to be met with wide eyes. A small smile grew on my face as he stared down at me, his lips being swollen and covered in Silvia looked even more tempting.

"Whats wrong?" He quiet words just Audible through he small pants.

My hand made its way to his cheek, my thumb slowly stroked his lightly tinted cheeks. Before he coukd talk again I smashed my lips with his, instantly gaining entrance; he might of been dominate but this was my thing.

Jimin P.O.V
His thumbs felt odly nice pushing into my skin, his tongue searching every corner of my mouth made me feel light headed; but in the best way.

I pulled away, only to feel his lips now on my neck, his hands moving under my top and trailing round to my back. He scratched his nails down my skin just enough to cause me to grid on his clothed cock. Small pathetic moans escaped my mouth as he continued to claw into my skin while living purple and red bruises all over my neck and collar bone.

"Play the player"

Jungkooks words making their way into my head as i felt yoongi push his crotch up, begging for friction. A small grin made its way to my face. Im not 'playing' him if i want it just as bad right? I mean stopping now would be torture to me too but teasing him is a small payback really, right?

I didnt think anymore as i removed myself from his lap, earning an annoyed groan from yoongi as well as a confused look.

I quickly sat back next to him, placing my legs over his and pushing his hand to stroke my thigh.

"This films actually alright for a chick film" i gigled and yoongi rolled his eyes, placing his other hand on my thigh and lightly squeezing.

Really i didnt want to stop, but a had a odd feeling in my stomache, i guess i was just scared this was all some big joke to him still. Yet my heart continued to flutter whenever he was in the room, my hands still got sweaty whenever he came close.

Honestly, i knew all to well i had forgiven him, the second hoseok said "dare" i frogave him, the second he tried to call or text, or when i saw his eyes yesterday; everything about him made me forgive him. That part scared me a little but what could i do? I had to follow my heart, trust him.

Yoongi was seriously confused and impressed at the same time, why would jimin just turn him on to shut him dowm; although he admitted he probably deserved that, and he was seriously impressed the younger managed to stop; as far as yoongi could remember, jimin didnt know how to stop.

As the elder sat there with a painful boner, saw neck and the nearly uncontrollable urger to jist pounce on the younger his was snapped from his thoughts.

"Shall we watch another one?" Jimins voice pulling yoongi from his transe to only realise the film had finished.
"Sure, you choose this one" a small smile spread across the elders face, this was something he hadnt done with someone before; you know, netflix and chill.


Jimin jumped off to bed after the fourth disney movie, stretching and yawning before slowly poking the now unconscious yoongi who had fallen asleep the second princes diaries had started.

"Hyungiii, wake up, jin and everyone are back and im hungry" yoongis head instantly shooting up at the mention of food.
"Then why we sitting here? Come on im starvin" the elder grabbed jimin my the wrist, interlocking their fingers together as he pushed open the bedroom door and pulled him into the living room.

"So i see you two are okay now?" Jins voicw echoing through the house as both yoongi and jimins head snapped towards the voice, instantly parting their hands as they were greeted with boxes off pizza and friend chicken.

"Yeah!" Jimin instantly replying as he casually walked uo to the kitchen table, like nothing had even happened. Yoongi on the other hand had become a blushing mess but still followed the smaller.

Thank you so much for 2k reads, it may seem small but to me its massive. Thank you for reading and voting my chapters. I really appreciate it. Love you!

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