Chapter 44 - say yes

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Jimin and yoongi were in the same potion, the younger doing nothing but holding back his tears and yoongi finished his sentence with the one question jimin had been dying for him to ask.

The silence that followed worried the elder, enough for him to move slightly at the delayed response.

Jimin P.O.V
I didnt think I could hold back my tears this much, but the second Yoongis facial expression changed they come flooding out.

"Yes... You fucking idiot... Yes"

The corner of Yoongis lips tugged up, sending the billions of butterflies in my stomache to go into over drive. My hands quickly made there way back to his hair, fingers tangling once again in his locks. His nose rubbed slowly on mine, eskimo kissing me before letting a massive grin grow on his face; he to was beautiful.

His lips pressed onto mine, lingering for a moment before he began to move, me following his lead. The kiss was passionate and deep, more meaningful than any other Id ever had before. I felt him smile into the kiss, before moving his hands from my face and running them down my side, his fingers trailing along my curves. He squeezed a little earning a small moan from me.

"Hm yoon..."It was cut off.
"You Better not sleep with my little child outside" that voice... Jin.

Both mine and Yoongis heads darted up to be met with everyone and I mean everyone walking towards us.

"What type of friends would we be if we didnt join you on this date" hoseok chirped before slumping himself next to us.

I watched Yoongis face change to an annoyed one before he removed himself from being on top of me, only to pull me between his legs, wrapping his hands around my waist and leaning back agaisnt the log.

"Save some food for us fatties" namjoons voice lingered in the air a little as everyones head turned to the basket tae and jungkook had sneekly found their way to, heads now shoved in it.

To say yoongi was annoyed that his old and now new friends had crashed his date would be an understatement but the way jimins face lit up as they all began to talk and laugh made the elders heart melt just a little. Enough to ignore the annoyed feeling he had an at least try to enjoy the now seven member romantic picnic.

"Hyung, did you make all this" jimins question made the elders head inflate.
"Yeah" within second a hand had struck the back of his head before the six dorks around him began to laugh.
"Take that as a jin made it" another eye smile made Yoongis lips tug up at the corners a little more.

Yoongi P.O.V
The night kinda went quickly after that, but i couldnt help but smile the whole time, jimin was mine; thank god that was over.

Me and jimin were now sat in our room, jungkook and tae had got a little to drunk from the alcohol namjoon wrongly provided. Hoseok was taken to bed by jin and namjoon after they found him hitting on a tree which left me and jimin.

I was laying flat on my back, jimins arms wrapped around me, his face resting on my chest and his legs tangled with mine. This feeling was odd but I liked it, not knowing what tomorrow woukd bring didnt bother me anymore, not like it did much anyway but knowing I had jimin in my life now made everything else seem meaningless.

God yoongi, when did you become a women?

"We go home in a week, what do you want to do while we're here?"

Jimin shot up, going from sleepy words to eyes full of excitement.

"You saying we can do whatever I want?"

Jimins eyebrows raised as a smirk grew on his face, instantly I regretted asking, I should of just slept, I forgot how hyper he became when he was excited.

Before he could talk anymore I rolled over him playfully, before pushing my lips into his and believe it or not 'giggled'

This was gonna be a long night.

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