special chapter 6

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Authors P.O.V
To say the looks yoongi and jimin had after there little moment in the hall way was awkward, would be a complete understatement, in fact it was so awkward jimin had managed to drag everyone including yoongi into a small isolated part of the schools yard that barley anyone knew existed.


But of course, jimins and yoongis life wasn't as simple as that, nope not at all.

Jimins high pitch laughed filled everyone's ears, but not in a bad way, their faces turning into large smiles as they watched yoongi openly wrap his arms around the younger and kiss his cheeks continuously. It was a little odd the first few times as they weren't use to their open affection yet but after weeks of them ' secretly' liking each other they had gotten use to their annoying love and mood swings.

Yoongi too found it odd how one moment of open affection had changed his whole mood, now not caring at all what people thoughts and said about the two together, even though it had only been 20 minutes since the incident.

"So, who knew yoongi could be so romantic ay!?"

Taes shoulder nudge softly into yoongis side earning an annoying grunt from the male while everyone else found themselves holding back an overly large smile.

"Honestly, hes that romantic hes like a women"

Everyone's eyes moved to jimin, who was posing in a sarcastic way, his eyes never once leaving the annoyed expression on yoongis face; he was so easy to wind up.

"Who you calling a women... bottom"

Yoongi gritted his teeth as he mumbled the last word, regretting it instantly as jimins cute puffy cheeks morphed into angry tomato's, his eyes brown furrowing and his forehead scowled.

"Switch... actually"

Tae couldn't cold back his laughter, his hands instantly going for his stomach as he hunched forward in a fit of laughter. Soon followed by everyone else, yoongi and jimin included.

But as always the laughter and happiness of their lives was short lived as something odd shaped was launched towards them, something they weren't expecting

A water bomb?

Yoongi P.O.V
I don't know what happened at all, one second I couldn't stop myself from laughing, the next my jeans felt wet and my blood had began to boil.

It was like I was frozen to the spot as I watched Jimins small frame retract even further on the spot, his once dry hair hanging now damp and loose across his forehead, his eyes were scrunched completely shoot. His small little hands fisted into a ball while his body shivered under him.

How half of them had gone from dry to wet was a mystery, but all my thoughts and feelings were directed towards my now soaking wet boyfriend who stood awkwardly next me.

"That's what a bunch of fags get"

My blood really was on fire as my head instantly turned towards the noice. My eyes scanned frantically around at the odd people surrounding us, no one standing out until I noticed a small group of teens laughing a few foot away.

It was like someone had flicked a switch inside me, my body instantly knowing it was them. I wanted to slap them, kick them, scream at them. Jimin was mine and only mine and no one messed with him or my friends.

I could feel my hands clenching under my baggy jumper, small beads of sweat forming on my forhead while out the corner of my eyes I saw tae and Jin trying to fuss of my little baby.


Suddenly I felt soft, damp fingers lock around my wrist, my eyes moving from the pathetic smirks of the group infront of me, to jimin.

His head was low, his clothes soaking and his lips were already turning a light shade of purple, but what really caught my attention was the force he was now using to grip my wrist, so much strength to the point where I nearly needed to ask him to let go.

I'd never seen him like this before, the little face I could see under his hair was lifeless, his body was slumped and the random out burst of strength was confusing.


"He's mine."

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