Chapter 11 - party

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Authors P.O.V
Jimin  fiddled endlessly with his sleeves as Jungkook  and Tae stared him down, he swallowed harshly on the saliva that had built up before preparing himself to talk. "Why you looking at me like that?" Jungkook filled the room with laughter as Tae tried to muffle his with his hand.

"Ha... Hyung... You cant be seriously... Haha, you want to go like that? haha!" Tae, who was still trying to muffle his laughter, managed to push words out his mouth. Jimin stared at the younger in confusion before furrowing his brows. "What's wrong with my clothes!" Silence filled the room before Tae marched to his wardrobe, flinging clothes everywhere. "Here... These."

Jimin  P.O.V
I felt sick, nervous and unstable all at the same time, I may have looked like a nerd but this wasn't the first time I'd got drunk. I was simply freaking out because Yoongi will be there. Jimin, breathe, goddamnit!


"You nervous?" Tae's question rang in my ears for a moment before I shrugged my shoulders in response. "We agreed to forget it happened and even if it hurts, I'd ather have him as a friend than nothing at all.", Jungkook nudged my shoulder in a supporting manner before knocking on their hyung's front door.


The four elders had decided to start drinking straight away assuming the younger ones would be light weights. Namjoon was already sticking his head down the toilet throwing up when a echoing knock could be heard all around.

Yoongi and J-Hope were currently pouring the younger males drinks and setting up cards knowing all to well that the knock was from them.

"I'll get it." Jin  darted up, grabbing a slightly less sick and drunk Namjoon with him. "Oh my god, you three actually look kinda hot." Jin's half drunk compliment caused all three to blush before being pulled into the house with a tight embrace from both males.

Yoongi P.O.V
Again, why am I nervous? Me and Jimin are and were nothing, he's a friend, I'm straight. I continued to stare endlessly at the wall before J-Hope slapped the back of my head with force.

"Idiot, you're spilling it!" I frowned as I looked at my hand now covered in vodka and coke.

Before I even had the chance to scold him for hitting my head, Taehyung and Jungkook were pushed into the living room by a sober Jin, slightly more sober Namjoon and Jimin trailing behind. The world seemed to stop for a moment as our eyes met.

He looked beautiful.


The game of cards had ended fast, since  all seven of us were drunker than we realised, Jimin had placed himself on the floor under me, my lifted up knees every now and then supporting his head as it wobbled about. Light weight.

"Right, I'm not as drunk as I want to be, so let's play spin the bottle!" J-Hope's voiced filled everyone's ears and before anyone had chance to respond all three younger ones and J-Hope had started to make a circle on the carpet. I frowned at J-Hope's idea before being pulled by Jimin and Namjoon  into the circle.

Jimin's P.O.V
Right now I was pretty drunk and actually enjoying myself, the idea of a childish game like spin the bottle actually seemed really fun right now. Yoongi looked reluctant to play so it only seemed right for his friend - me, to encourage him, don't you think?

I pulled lightly on his sleeve lifting him from the sofa and dropping him along side of Jin and J-Hope. I sat in between Jungkook and Tae, although I wasnt  that sober I was sober enough to know it was still a awkward between me and Yoongi.


"Here are the rules." Tae spoke, pulling out his phone and searching how to play spin the bottle, although he wasnt actually following the rules at all, more making things up as he went. "So there's a number of different things, who ever the bottle lands on pick a number between one and a hundred and the number tells you what you're doing... I'll  mark down what numbers we've had." The other six stared in confusion at first before nodding their heads in agreement.

The bottle began to spin as all seven's eyes followed in anticipation on who was the first victim. With the dealing silence filling the room Jungkook  spoke up, "Joon, you... first... Pick all numbers... I mean the number." his slurred drunk words causing the other to laugh.

"Stick your finger up your nose and eat a booger."
Namjoon took no time in doing so before getting 'Ew's and grins from the other boys.

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