Chapter 21 - tell me more

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Jimin and yoongi had sat in the same positions for nearly three hours now, jimin sat crossed legged next to yoongi, yoongi leaning his back on the headboard hands interlocked with the youngers small chubby ones. Every now and then yoongi had an urge to kiss his hands; so he did so, gaining a blush and a stutter.

They had learned allot about each other. How yoongi doesnt live with his parents through his own chose and how they were understand and Bought this house for him (hense the garden gnome). How the elder hated salad but secretly loved cupcakes and even how he has a habit of washing his toothbrush out twice before using it. Lets not forget his secret personality as a rapper.

Yoongi on the other hand learnt that jimin dances and sings (but refused to show him), how his favourite food was all food, how he had a habit of looking at his hands when he was nervous and that his favourite films where Disney films and hated horrors.

The younger watched as yoongis eyes began to close and dart back open every few seconds, trying to keep himself awake.

Jimin  P.O.V
" Yoongis?" My stomach fluttered as the words left my mouth.
"Hmmm" yoongis face becoming slightly pink.
"Can we... Maybe you know... Snu..."

Before I could even ask my question yoongi had pulled me towards him, snuggling himself down into the covers and pulling me along too. His long arms rapped around my waist pulling my head closer into his chest. I could feel his slightly increased heartbeat in my ear, his slow breaths tickling the top of my head.

" Yeah this" the onlt words I could push out my lips as my heart beated so fast I thought it woukd explode.
"You smell nice" yoongi buried his nose into mt hair.
"A...are you tired?"

The room filled silent for a second, I coukd hear light small snores leave his mouth, I couldnt help but giggle.

"Yeah, sleep with me?"  I jumped a little at his request not realising he was still awake.

I lifted myself a little, staring at his beautiful pale face, sketching every part of it into my mind as if it was the last time I would see it. I leaned forward slowly, our lips mm apart, his breath fanning off my top lip. I leaned down pressing my lips agaisnt his; they were so soft and warm. The kiss lasted for what felt a life time before I began to pull away; I swear I nearly passed out. Before I could pull away yoongis hand slid up my back, pulling me back into a long passionate kiss. My cheeks began to burn as he rubbed small circles with his thumb on the lower of my back.

"Goodnight... Beautiful"

Yoongi P.O.V
The rays of light seeping through my blinds, causing me to fidget yet I found myself unable to move; a wight on my arms. I looked to my right to find mt arm rapped under jimins head; a smile growing on my face as I realised jimin had stayed the whole night and not left my like.... Well that doesnt matter.

I attempted to yawn but struggled with the cute lump attached to my arm; smiling once again. I quickly and slowly pulled my arm from under him, watching him fidget then calm down once I pulled the covers over him. He looked beautiful when he slept, his skin shining in the sunlight, his lips plump and pink; this shit was like something from a drama.

I leaned over him, making sure not to wake the small cute ball under the covers and placed a small kiss on his cheek; making my heart flutter. I felt small hands reach for my top, realising I woke him I bent down again kissing his cheek once more.

"Im gonna make you breakfast"

As jimin shuffled and whined with the loss of heat he realised hed woken fully up, stretching as his eyes adjusted to the bright light of the room. He glanced around before deciding its best to find yoongi and help with breakfast.

Jimin had never skipped school before, never slept in the Same bed as a boy apart from his friends, never done anything like he had been. Yoongi was all new to him, everything was new, but he enjoyed it, no loved it. That fluttery feeling in his stomach, the increase of heart rate, the feeling of never knowing how he was going to act or what the elder was going to do next.

The younger still couldnt believe his crush was responding to him, was being with him, these situations never once crossing his mind. But he wasnt complaining, he was grateful; he thought he must have done some grate deed in his past life.

Little did he know that this overwhelming feeling of love and passion may all be in his head.

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