Chapter 27 - movie

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Jimins high pitch scream would of been heard by everyone... Thats if anyone was even there anymore.

Yoongi, as quickly as humanly possible found himself running to the younger and pushing his hand into his mouth while slamming the bathroom door shut.

The dead silence that followed could of killed.

"Shush someone might here"

Jimin managed to poke his tongue out his mouth, placing a wet lick up the middle of the elders hand. Yoongi quickly let go of his mouth, realising what he had done.

"Thank you... But no ones here?"

A faint tint could be seen across yoongis face as he awkwardly pulled on his shorts, looking anywhere but at the younger before mumbling a quiet "oh yeah"

Jimin P.O.V
His hand felt so warm.

I traced my finger around my lips while sitting in silence on the corner of my bed, waiting patiently for yoongi to finish his shower. Now being fully dressed and covered youd think JR over here would of calmed down but after yoongis face and body being so close to mine, so fast, he was being even more stubborn.

"Im done... Sorry about before, I dont even know what happened" yoongis gummy smile spread across his face as he ruffled his hair with the towel.

Silence fell between us again, not the nice calming type but that akward, kill myself type.

"Wonna watch a film, weather doesnt look to good" where my sudden confidence had come from i dont know.

Maybe it was something jungkook  had said, saying I should take control so im not hurt again, play the player type of thing. Although, thst being said I still couldnt understand where my sudden confidence had come from, scariest part was, I was enjoying being the one making all the moves, standing my ground.

Yoongi P.O.V
This was akward, so akward. Not only did I walk in on Jimin doing god knows what with his boner, I ended up touching him and making a fool of myself now here I was sat on the edge of the bed as far away from him as humanly possible without being on the floor just so he doesnt think im a weirdo.

"What we watching?" The only words I managed to push out my lips while keeping my heart in my body.
"Hmmm, not sure, we have, Disney or horror, you choose?"
"I thought you didnt like horror?" I tried so hard to speak i accidentally shouted, yoongi your a Dick.
"Hehe, I dont but you do, so I can manage"

I leaned across the bed, lying flat on my stomach while kicking my feet behind me, I scanned the dvds under on the shelf before spotting one I was to embarrassed to admit I liked but though fuck it.

"Sorry what?"
"Bratz" I turned my head from jimins face which was now cm away from me and simply pointed to the movie.

I know bratz was a girls film but when I was younger my nextdoor neighbour use to baby sit me and she loved it. I guess I grew a small liking for it.

"If you say so... Hyung"

Jimins small giggle sent butterflies flying in my stomach but the mocking of the word hyung caused me turn bright red and scurry back up the bed.


"I dont bite" jimins sudden words catching me off gaurd.
"Unless you want me to" his low growl in my ear sent shivers down my spine and without realising id moved closer to him, our knees touching as he pressed play on the movie.
"See" his smile honestly melted my heart.

The sudden actions of the younger took yoongi by surprise. One second they were sat with knees touching and now jimins soft lips were pushed harshly against the elders pale skin of his neck.

A small moan left his lips and jimin continued to awkwardly kiss down his neck, nipping every once and a while.

Yoongis thoughts went wild, confused as to where jimins confidence and small dominance had come from but most of him didnt actually care at all.

"Get ontop" the elder growled as jimins kisses became even more akward with their position.

The younger obliged, instantly crawling on top and landing with a small amount of force onto his crotch. The elder let another small moan leave his lips as jimin didnt hesitate to finish what be started, nipping and sucking with more force now.


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