Chapter 50 - getting ready

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"Wait.. What... Why are... I" jimin stumbled on his words as his two best Friends came bargaining in the house, literally.

Jimin has been snuggled into the sofa, nearly falling asleep as Jeremy Kyle played softly in the background only for him to be interrupted by the two locking of the door. As you would he assumed it was yoongi only to find himself far from wrong when the over hyperactive mush and his squished bunny boyfriend came barging through the living room door, jumping and landing on jimin.

"So why are you Here again?" Jimin groaned as his rubbed his temples with his fingers; he honestly thought he was going to have a day of nothing before school started again, it was bad enough yoongi had to go out but now these two odd balls had turned up, rambling about god knows what.

"Well yoon..." Jungkook was shut up by taes hand meeting the back if his head.
"What jungkook means to say was yoongi text saying you were alone so we divided to come over" tae smiled that innocent smile hes spent Years perfecting for when he lied and jimin being jimin fell straight into the trap.
"We're going out, so get ready"
"I dont want to, I'm comfy"

Little did jimin know that the look the two youngers gave each other wasnt as innocent as it seemed.


"Seriously, again? Why do you always hsve to give me a make over" jimin slugged himself to the mirror,  not even really bothering to look at himself.

Hed spent two whole hours letting tae and jungkook prod and poke every part of him, all he wanted to do was sleep; but apparently not.

"You gonna look at yourself or what?" Jimins eyes met with the two boys eagerly sat on yoongis bed, both eyes wide with excitement. Jimin on the other hand was still completely confused and unaware of what was actually happening.

Jimins eyes widened at the sight in front of him, he looked the same yet so different.

(like this?! Also I keep forgetting what colour everyone's hair is ~ I'm useless)

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(like this?! Also I keep forgetting what colour everyone's hair is ~ I'm useless)

The small hairs at the front of his head flopped over, covering all his forehead, the brown locks perfectly sculptureing his face. The small amount of eyeliner under his eyes complemented the dark colour of his orbs. As for his clothes, jimin didnt realise he could look so cute and smart all at once; even if it was coming from himself. His suit jacket fit perfectly around his waist, slimming the white shirt he was wearing even more, his black tie hung loosely around his neck with the top button a little undone for edge and we all know what suit pants look like, the only twist to his outfit was the black and white vans they had chose to use for shoes. "Easier to take off" was the only explanation that was given.

Jimins smile fell from his face, he was still so confused as to why he had to dress like this, why they weren't dressed like this and why yoongi still hadnt come home yet.

"Guys, I dont understand whats happening" jimins voice failed him as he words turned into a whisper barley audible.

Before any one of they could speak a ringing from the doorbell ran through the house, laud enough for everyone head to turn; especially jimins.

Tae grabbed jimin by the wrists, pulling him harshly towards the bedroom door and down the stairs.

The doorbell rang again.

Jimin was stood facing the door, tae behind him with his hands on his shoulders and jungkook stood infront, hand in the door knob.

"What are you two up to? Just answer the..."

His words were cut short by the door being swung open, the smaller eyes being met with... Flowers?
The site infront of him wasnt what he was expecting at all. Yoongi stood in a suit on the othet side of his own houses door, a massive bunch of black roses in hand. A shy smile placed across his face as he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.

Jimin being the mochi he was was dumbfounded, lost for words. His eyes now glistening with small amounts of tears he was trying to hold back while the elder slowly walked into the hall way.

His heart was beating out his chest, the deafening silence becoming almost to cliché, like when you pick the most beautiful girl up for prom. Yoongi was clueless on what he was doing but the odd tear that fell from jimins eyes made him smile; knowing full well he was crying from happiness.

"T-these are for... For you" yoongi Sorta harshly pushed the flowers towards jimin, jimin instantly grabbing them and hugging them like a bear.

"Youre such an idiot."

Dont ask why this is all in authors pov.. Because i hsve no idea, I'm currently having a brain fart ~ sowwie ~ dont forget to vote.

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