Chapter 19 - come over

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Yoongi P.O.V
"Horse... Fuck off" I screamed as I ran down the stairs barging into the spare room.
"What... Why" I was greeted with a half naked and confused jhope dancing to what he called 'music'

I stood there unsure of what to say, id still by trying to convince this fool I was straight but he saw right through me and with this id just be adding fuel to the fire. I clicked my tongue in annoyance before staring straight at him.

"Look before you open your mouth... Shut it. Jimins coming round and I dont want you... Breathing the whole time hes here... OKAY!!"

I found myself glancing anywhere but at him, a small smirk forming on his lips as he walked towards me. His face inches from mine, his breath tickling my bottom lip.

"Ohhhh... Ill be as quiet as a mouse"

And with that I was shoved out of my own spare room and music was once again blasting out from under the door. Sometimes I questioned my friendship with that fish but I couldnt help but smile in defeat; he knows me better than I know myself.

I continued to click my tongue to the beat of the music as I darted round my room, grabbing clothes, rubbish, porn mags... Yes porn mags... I tried to be straight okay, and throwing them all into my washing basket, covering the top with a jumper.


"Hes going to be here any minute, cant you go home?" I whined as I sat at the bottom of hoseok bed.
"Look i promise, I wont talk or even acknowledge your alive the whole time hes here okay!" A serious expression grew on his face.
"Promise!" I realised how needy I sounded considering I was still trying to convince myself I was strai... There it was again. I couldnt finish my sentence.
"Yes... I like the kid, so have fun" and with one final smirk I was yet again pushed harshly out the door and music flooded the room again.

And then I shit my pants.


Although the faint sound of music coukd be heard round the whole house the knock on the door made every sound but that disappear; it echoes endlessly becoming a drum in my ears; shit.

Jimin P.O.V
And quicker than my brain coukd function I was at his door; cute. From the outside his house seemed like any other, big windows, High doors and the random ass garden genome by the front door mat; his parents dont live here?

I clenched my hand into a fist shape, not before grabbing the hem of my coat and tugging on it nervously. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the out of control racing of my heart before knocking on the door twice.

For those few seconds as the door opened and yoongi stood still staring at me; time stopped. He looked different, but in the best way. His mint coloured hair was messy and wild, for the first time I was seeing a bare faced yoongi and to me it was perfect. His white baggy top loosely hanging over his shoulders while his skinny joggers hugged his beautifully thin legs; this human looked good in white and gray.

I was dragged out of my trans as I felt warm fingers lock round my wrist pulling my harshly into an embrace. Slender long arms rapping themselves around my body, filling Me with warmth. I stopped breathing. Just as quick as it was there it was gone.

I looked up from my gaze, cheeks pink to see yoongi blushing, his hand rubbing the back of his neck while the other fiddled with his pants pocket. For a moment I forgot to breath again.

" Erm.. S..sorry, you looked cold" he cute little Strutters and mumbles gave me a random confidence boost as I stepped forward, kicking the door shut with my foot.

I slid my arms around his waist, snuggling my face into the crock of his neck. I felt his arms rap round me again, his heart beat increasing as I took in his sent.

"Im not anymore"


"He pretty much lives here... Stupid horse" yoongi mumbled under his breath as I plopped myself onto his bed.

It was ready 1am, we'd spent half an hour talking to hoseok while making late night pizza. Although I didnt know him much he seemed nice and I understood why yoongi was friends with him; he was like the sunshine.

I awkwardly shuffled as a sat myself on the very edge of his bed, while he shut his bedroom door and made his way towards me. The silence that fell between us wasnt akward, but some what beautiful.

He was beautiful

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