Chapter 30 - sleeping beauty

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"Whats going on with them? There is way to much sexual tension" namjoon questioned as he slumped himself down on the sofa along side hoseok and jin.
"Yoongis always been frustrated but jimin...."
"Hes never been like that" tae interrupt hoseok as he slumped down inbetween jins legs on the floor, kook then sitting inside his.

All five boys sat akwardly on the sofa while staring confused at the hormonal duo by the kitchen table. Jin being the first to brake the tension, "you two love birds going to join us? Considering it was your idea".

Jimins head snapped towards the boys on the sofa before pushing yoongis hands away from his skin and alwardly walking towards the second sofa. Yoongi soon followed with a smirk that three of the boys were all to familiar with.

Yoongi P.O.V
"Jin, seriously?" I rolled my eyes as jin pressed play on the movie. Pretty in pink. Id seen it that much i knew the whole thing backwards.
"I love this film, plus i won rock paper scissors" jins smug smirk annoyed the shit out of me as he snuggled his behind back into the space between hoseok and namjoon.

I looked over at jimin who was sat leaning agaisnt the other arm rest, my heart began to beat reslly fast out of no where as he ran his tongue cross his bottom lip, nipping the corner with his teeth before letting go. Fuck he drives me crazy


We were no more than five minuets into the film when i noticed jimins eyes closing slowly before shooting open again. I wiggled myself from the upright position to slightly leaning agaisnt the arm rest, earning daggers from jimin as i continued to fidget.

I took another glance at him as his eyes once again dropped, this time taking slight longer than before to open.

Right yoongi, no more pussy, prove to him.

Slowly and quietly a moved myself around on the sofa, leaning my back completely agaisnt the arm rest; one leg across the whole sofa while the other dangled on the floor. I leaned forward as jimjns eyes closed once more, wrapping my arms around his waist i pulled him inbetween my legs. My arms wrapped around his shaulders and he tiredly moved himself so he was lying on his stomache, his chest agaisnt my crotch and his head on my chest.

Butterflies flew round my stomache as he snuggled his face into my chest; making so cutest nosises that had ever filled my ears. I brought one hand up to his head, slowly running my fingers through his fluffy hair earning what i assume was mumbles that signified continue.

"Cute" my head akwardly turned to my side to see all five droks staring at me with loving eyes and jimins face snuggled even further into me.

I flicked them off, wrapping both my srms back around him, stroking the middle of his back over his clothes as the boring ass film continued.


The film was nearly over and honestly although id seen it hundreds of times i was completely confused. Id spent what i thought was 30 seconds but was clearly an hour staring and jimin cuddled between my legs.

I couldnt help but look at every inch of him, starting with his fluffy brown hair to his flawless skin, all the way down to his tight jeans and tiny feet. To say he was attractive was an understatement, to me he was beautiful.

I leaned my head down a little, pushing my nose into his soft hair before moving my lips towards his. The words that left my lips might be some of the cheesiest words that will EVER leave them, but it was what i though.

"Good night, sleeping beauty"

Jimin P.O.V
I felt light and heavy all at once. The warms from my face and chest disappeared but i was far to tired to evem open my eyes in search of my human heater. I felt my body being lifted, arms wrapping under my legs and back to support me.

My head flopped back and forth as i tried desperately to open my eyes and see what was happening to me.

"We're gonna go to bed guys" my eyes fluttered open at the sound of yoongis voice extremely close to my ear.

I felt my face become red as my eyes opened fully only to be met with Yoongis. Our whole faces were millimeters apart from each othet, i felt his grip under me tighten as our eyes stayed locked to each other.

I couldnt help but let a small giggle leave my lips while i locked my arms around his neck, snuggling me face into the crock of his neck. Yoongis heart... I could hear it, no, i could feel it. It eas beating out of control and laud, but it was calming and made me feel warm.

Some people would say we were moving to fast, especially after... Well you know, but for me, it all felt so right.

And just like a typical high school romance, yoongi carried the younger in his arms, making sure to keep his as close as possible, as he scurried into their shared room.

I promise at some point there will be smut! Im building to it, it will happen; god so help me!

Thank you again to everyone who reads and VOTES. Potato here loves you. Also this photo has me in all kinds of messes ~ forgive me

 Also this photo has me in all kinds of messes ~ forgive me

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(I dont own this ^ this is also not my account. I found the picture online)

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