Chapter 2 - the unexpected gift

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Author P.O.V
Jimin wasn't considered hot, but in the eyes of the people around him he wasn't ugly either, Just Plain Jane.

He stood facing his reflection in the mirror, needless to say what he saw to him wasn't exactly a pretty picture. His messy brown hair which seemed lifeless hung over his eyebrows, his scruffy uncleaned clothes hung off his small body frame causing him to look fat while his chubby cheeks and pudgy face did nothing for his rough complextion.

Jimin continued to stare at his hyung's that rushed and dashed behind him, buying everything and anything they found; they looked like wild pack animals that finally found food. The mall wasnt really that busy, but the odd glances and stares of people who passed by still made him feel uncomfortable, a harsh lump forming in his throat. It was Jin's idea to skip last period, saying 'We are going to need all the time we can get', his words sounding scarier and scarier the harder he thought about them.


"Hyung... Your house is beautiful,  you live alone?"

Jimins eyes widened as he questioned the older as they walked through the front door. Tae and jimin were greeted with lavish and beautiful furniture, big high walls and ceilings that went on forever, Long halls which led of in every direction, tiled floors which felt cold on your feet, even in slippers and a glass chandelier that could only be resembled to the one from Cinderella.

Jin nodded in response before lifting the billions of bags down the corridor to his room, his tall yet slim frame wobbling a little from the weight.

"My parents work a lot so they suggested I live alone and close to the school. It's alright really, I like it."


"I'm so excited!"

Tae shouted as he tipped out the mass of clothes, hair dye and accessories out the bags, every filling the entire super-king bed that lay perfectly in the middle of his... baby pink room?

"Well I'm shitting myself.... Hyung can I ask you something?"

Jimins mumble was barley audible as he wandered aimless around the elders room, his eyes scanning over all the small plushy's he'd collected.

"Do I stand a chance?".

Jin lifted his head from looking through all their new belonging, a small smile playing against his pink lips before walking over to him.

"well... I wouldn't have bought all this if I at least didn't think you had a chance - let's start with this".

Jimin smiled shyly as a box of hair dye was thrown his way, his small hands barley having time to clasp around it. Tae pulled his phone out his pocket before smiling cheekily at Jimin, his whole face lighting up.

"I'm calling Jungkook around! He has to see this."


"Fuck... Shit.... Tae... Stop pulling it hurts."

"Sorry, but I need to!"

"Both of you stop wriggling! Jungkook pass me those scissors"

... 1000 hours later...

Jimin P.O.V
My reflection was unfamiliar, uncommon; it wasn't me. But in all honesty I wasn't sure that was a bad thing, I kinda liked it. I let my eyes scan over their 'work of art', my heart pounding against my chest as I continued to stare only made me more nervous and anxious than before yet I couldn't seem to stop a smile from spreading across my face.

"T-thank you"

Authors P.O.V
Jimin stood gormlessly staring at his reflection, thumbs twiddling in his hands while his new hair hung loosely across his forehead. It wasn't that he hated it, no, more like he didn't realise he could look this way? Shy by his own reflection.

"Turn around then... Let's see!"

Tae teased as he nudged Jungkook's shoulder, the excitement all most to much for his alien like body to take. Jimin stood for a few more seconds, a lump forming in his throat as he took one last intake of breath before turning around.


To say they we're dumbfounded would be an understatement, their stares we're neither amazed nor disappointed; they were gobsmacked

His once brown messy hair was now bright orange and styled, chubby cheeks that were once bare now purked up and lightly layered with expensive makeup; (slight eyeliner on fleek). His collar bones were extremely dominant, each curve of his bone shining slightly while a baggy, white, low cut top hung over his body. A leather jacket was placed perfectly on his shoulders while his ripped skinny jeans showed his muscular thick thighs and perfectly shaped calves. His new white Jordan's loosely sat on his feet, laces of course tucked into them and to top it off he'd somehow let Jungkook pierce his ears.

"I... Erm... Wow."

Tae stuttered as he walked towards Jimin, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging low in attempts to actually register what he looked like.

"Is it bad?"

You'd think by the looks on their faces jimin would of understood that their expressions weren't from disappointment but more from amazement; then again, jimin was a babo.

"Not even close."

Jungkook's presence was well remembered when he opened his mouth, saying four words no one thought they're hear him say.

"I think I'm gay."

"See what you've done now Jiminie?"

Tae teased once again as they all laughed uncontrollably at Jungkook's gaping mouth and hilarious statement, the younger was always literally thinking out-laud.  

The room became quiet, the sound of Jins shoes peeling of the floor as he walked towards Jimin surrounded them. Jin spun the younger to face the mirror, poking at his cheeks as he smiled.

"My work here is done."

Before Jin had time to continue talking he found himself with Jimin's arms wrapped around his neck, the smaller tip toeing as he squeezed in gratitude.

"Thank you hyung... Thank you."

"Now we just need to work on... Your attitude."

Jin smiles, letting the corner of his lips turn up a little to much as he squeezed the youngest shoulders. Jimin visibly gulped, the elders hard expression turning him stomach while his eyebrows showed confusion.

"Attitude?... Hyung?"

Tae, Jungkook and Jin all gave each other a quick look, their eyes only meeting for a few seconds before smirking.

"Oh shit."


Jimin sighed as he lifted the rubbish bag of old clothes out of his back door and into his bin, the lid banging shut caused him to jump slightly in shock. He ran the back of his hand across his forehead, removing the last drop of sweat before it trickled down his face. Facing his open wardrobe a million thoughts ran through his head, why am I doing this? Will he even notice me now? What if he doesn't like me? Jimin found himself throwing his tired body onto his bed, letting the covers around him sink as his body became heavy. Pulling his phone out from under his pillow, he began scrolling through Instagram one last time, letting the heavy wait of tiredness consume him. Soon sleep took over.

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