Chapter 10 - forgive me

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Authors P.O.V
Jimin stood awkwardly on the hill, eyes moving anywhere but at the elder. He bit his bottom lip in an attempt to not shout and scream, causing a hissy fit in front of the boy who just broke his heart.

Yoongi, on the other hand, was more confused than ever. His eyes subconsciously watching the younger's lip, his face becoming flushed as Jimin bit harshly into it. The elder tried to compose himself as his hands ran through his hair, letting out a loud sigh before standing up straight.

Yoongi's P.O.V
"Jimin." my voice sounded harsher than it was meant to. Jimin's head darted in my direction, his eyes puffy and red from clearly crying; I'm such a twat.
"About yesterday-"
"Forget it!" Jimins words cutting me off and catching me off guard.
"No! You're clearly upse-"
"Yeah... But it doesnt matter, it was a moment thing, you're straight, I know that... Don't worry, hyung. I'm fine." I saw his fake small smile try and hide the hurt in his eyes.
"Jimin, the thing is-"
"I said no. Just stop. It's okay."

I really didn't know what to say or do. A part of me was relieved he didn't want to talk about it, the other knew I needed to apologise but he just wasn't letting me.

Jimin's P.O.V
I really needed him to stop talking, I convinced myself. Having him as a friend was better than not having him at all but he was making that so difficult for me.

I tried to let a small convincing smile appear on my face but part of me really wanted him to see how much he had hurt me. In all honesty though I couldn't hate him even if I tried, my body just wouldn't let me.

I think that's why I hate him though, the effect he has on me, the fact I can't hate him, not even a little bit, not even close (for anyone that's seen ten things I hate about you? No? Im such a loner;-;). I gave him one last small smile seeing as he wasn't going to say anything further before bowing a little and walking off. I felt like my heart had completely stopped hoping that this moment was like one of those teen romance novels and he'd come running after me.
I'm such an idiot.

Authors P.O.V
Jimin couldn't concentrate in class one bit, he found him self doing what he usually did, staring endlessly at the back of the elder's head, watching how shiny his mint hair looked from the light, how pale and beautiful the back of his neck was. Jimin wondered if acting like it never happened really was the best thing, his stomach knotting at the thought.


Jimin was quick to pull his phone from his pocket, staring in shock at the message before him.
Yoongi: so erm... Me and my friend are having a small party, you and the others want to come? Jins idea.

Jimin read the text several times before looking at Yoongi, he hadn't moved an inch from where he was, so how the...?

Jimin: erm sure, what time and where?

Yoongi: tonight, jins house, 7pm (inserts address)

Jimin didn't reply, he literally couldn't, he was shocked, upset and happy all at once, how was he suppose to feel.

Jin's P.O.V
I couldn't help but groan as Namjoon continued to question my every move.

"So, why we having a party? Why are those three kids coming? Why are we alive? Why does my nose hair sometimes tickle my top lip-" "I swear, for the love of god. If you don't want me cut off your appendage, shut up! We're having a party because I want one, they're coming because I saw how Yoongi blushed when I mentioned Jimin's name. He clearly likes him so I'm, You know, Helping again and as for life and nose hair, I dont care about either."

Namjoon looked at me in shock before simply nodding his head in response. god, he really annoyed me sometimes.


I ran round my house cleaning realising that I invited them all and my house was a hell hole. I threw the dirty washing in the basket, dishes in the sink and even bothered to hoover the carpet. I'd already got drinks and sick buckets, I won't stand sick on my leather sofas.

I breathed out of breath as I answered the door, Yoongi, J-Hope and namjoon standing eyes wide and smiles bigger than life across their faces.

"Take a shower man, you stink. We'll get this party started."
"That's hyung to you, sunny boy." I smacked J-Hope across the head before running up the stairs to take a shower.
These kids.

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