Chapter 3 - now you see me?

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Authors P.O.V
"Jin why the fuck did you drag us to school this early?"

Namjoon moaned, the tall male tutting and groaning as he let his 'heavy' bag drag across the floor.

"That's hyung to you."

Jin spat, smiling cutely to himself as he ignoring the question.

Jin had woke his friends up early on purpose, dragging them to school in a hurry without even so much as a clue as to why. He wanted first hand to see everyone's reaction, see their faces as Park Jimin walked through those school gates; he could of squealed with all the excitement.  Obviously everyone new Jimin liked Yoongi... Apart from Yoongi himself, which made what was happening even more amazing to them; how could someone be so smart yet so dumb at the same time? That aside Namjoon still didn't understand why they had to be there too and this early for that matter.

The four males had placed themselves on the nearest bench to the school gates, J-Hope being unable to hold his excitement of the whole plan, smiled aimlessly to himself while Yoongi sat glued to his phone, his eyes not once lifting.

"Jin... Hyungggggg"

Namjoon whispered while trying not to catch Yoongi's attention. To everyone else it would of been plainly obvious but to him, he couldn't seem to function without his mobile.

"Why are we here?... I'm tired... It's not like he could of changed that much, it's not like-"

Before Namjoon could continue his quiet complaining he watched as Jin followed by J-hope's eyes lit up, large smiles growing on their faces's. He let his eyes follow there, his jaw becoming slack as two words left his lips.

"He's hot."

Jimin's P.O.V
"Tae, I can't do this, I'm too scared."

I found myself mumbling, my fingers instantly locking together as I fiddling with my thumbs. I was nervous, no, completely and utterly dreading it.

"Jiminie, you've waited for this chance for a year, and boy you look hawt~."

Jungkooks eyes lit up, soon followed Taehyung's lead as he let the next few words leave his lips so casually.

"Like I said... I'm gay for you."

Jimin half smiled, his body awkwardly shifting on the spot before he lifted his head to reply but being shot short as Jungkook and Tae left, leaving him standing across the road from school, alone.

Authors P.O.V
The walk into school was making him nervous, so nervous in fact, without realizing he's already stepped two feet onto the school grounds. Within seconds Jimin felt eyes all around him, people he'd never seen before were seeing him, smiling at him, LOOKING AT HIM!

"Remember what Jin said, attitude... Attitude."

Jimin pulled his headphones out his pocket and dived them into his ears, playing the heavest song he had - Burstered-Lost child - his head lulled to the beat, slowly losing himself in the music as he began his journey.

Namjoon's P.O.V
The words fell out of my mouth, I had no control whatsoever, everything just flowed out of my quicker than I could react. He looked hot.

"Jin...what the fuck happened?"

"that's hyung to you bastard. And princess here worked his magic."

Jin spat once again with a sweet smile, his eyes like daggers piercing through me but his body was relaxed and unnerved; he really could be scary.

I watched as Jimin continued to walk through school, people following and gushing, swarming round him like fresh meat. My eyes trailed to Yoongi who was the target in all this, for a second I swear I saw his eyes dart towards Jimin and back to his phone, but the more I found myself staring I wondered if he'd even heard what I'd said, never mind actually pulling his face away from the stupid device.

'you see him don't you?'

Authors P.O.V
Jimin found his usual spot on the grass and lied back, running his cute small hands through his hair as he let a content sigh out. Tae and Jungkook joined soon after, smiling at the unfamiliar crowd of people who purposely walked past just to glance and the new park jimin.

"seems like your a super star now Jiminie - an idol!"

Jungkook mocked as he lied back, his elbows brushing past jimins in the process.

"Yeah, a sexy porni star."

Tae smiled before being hit harshly on the face with Jungkook's bag, the younger using more force than he was probably meant to.

"You can't say that!"


Jimin sat staring at the back of Yoongi's head once again, Maths wasn't something he enjoyed but he was good at it so he could afford to miss an hour of it... or so.

As he lost himself staring gormlessly at Yoongi's pale yet smooth skin he was rudely interrupted by a gentle tap on his shoulder.

"Erm, Jimin hyung... I was wondering..."

Before she had time to finish her sentence Jimin snapped, for some reason his whole body had gone stiff the second she started talking, every inch of him burning, knowing exactly where this was about to go.

"What do you want, spit it out."

Jimin's P.O.V
Don't ask me why I snapped, I don't really know and don't get me wrong I felt bad But what Jin hyung said kept running through my head and before I knew it my whole body had just reacted; attitude.

"I-erm, I wanted to know.",

honestly, this was annoying me already. Who knew dying your hair and changing your clothes could get you this much attention? Who knew that you had to look a certain way to get people to know you're alive?I liked being hidden and unnoticed, I was good at it, I was comfortable that way but here I was going to whites end just to be noticed and still... nothing?

I lifted my head slightly, finally looking at the female talking to me; don't get me wrong, if I was straight then yeah but clearly... I'm not so what I said and did next just kinda' fell out my mouth.

"For fuck sake, hurry up."


"Would you go out with me?"

I don't know why those six words pushed my buttons so much, but I went from calm to completely pissed off in 0.01 of a second. I stood up, knocking my chair back and earning myself glances from the students around me in the processes.


The words that were leaving my mouth weren't even mine, well maybe they were all the years of pent up anger that fell out of me and on to this poor poor girl, but I couldn't seem to stop myself. I watched her Stare at me blankly and slightly concerned, her hands instantly going to her sides as she fiddled with the hem of her skirt.


"Fucking hell. NO, Slag."

Before I had time to stop the last word from leaving my mouth I caught a glimpse of Yoongi; his head turning to face mine before turning back to face his phone. My whole body froze, my hands clasping together as my knuckles turned white; I'd fucked up.


I let out a deep sigh before finding that the small girl was no longer in front of me, Instead it was the teacher, his eyebrows knitted together with fury as he handing me a green detention slip.

"I have no words for you, Mr. Park. Detention-Today after class!"

Honestly I felt like shit as I slung my body into my chair, Why the hell did I get so angry? I sighed once again before running the green slip of paper through my hands.

- my first detention huh?-

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