Chapter 23 - how do you feel

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Sorry for the lack of smut, keep reading in a few chapters I shall be passing out free holey water!!)

It had been three weeks since the incident and jimin hadnt come back to School, he found himself sitting in self pity; crying more than he was breathing. Jungkook and tae had tried multiple times to convince the younger that this pain would go away, that he should just come back to school, show yoongi he didnt care but they had failed in every attempt and were resorting to plan Z... Jin.

Yoongi on the other hand had gone back to school but spent every day hearing jin rumble on about how jimin wouldnt leave the house, how he had ruined the youngers first crush. The guilt had began to eat him alive along with the never ending battle of trying to work his sexuality out.

" Your a TWAT" jin scoffed at the end of his own comment while dragging yoongi by the arm to the third floor of school.

Yoongi didnt respond only lowing his head as the aching pain in his chest began to grow every time the younger was brought up; which was a lot.

Yoongi P.O.V
"Whats he doing here?!" My head shot up to see the glaring duo which followed jimins every move.

My head lowered once again while I awkwardly fiddled with my sleeves, jin then hitting the back of my head pulling me forward towards him.

The room jin had brought me to was one me and my friends spent our first year of hughschool goofing off in. The old drawing and panting still scattered on the walls and desks; dust collecting in every corner. Part of me hoped that the room which once gave me comfort and confidence would be there to support me and listen when no one else was but apparently not; I felt even more hated.

"Explain... NOW" jins high pitched shrike causing my ear drums to rattle.
"I....the thing is... I" before I had realised small tears had Roled down my cheeks, bouncing harshly of the floor between my feet.

Why was I crying what the hell was happening to me... What were my feelings for jimin...

Jin sighed heavily into my ear before opening his mouth to talk.


"So it started as a dare?" Tae scoffed
"So do you actually like him or?" Jungkook soon butting in.

The question had been asked a billion times over the oast three weeks but for the first time the question cought me off guard. I lifted my head a little, eyes meeting with everyone else before I took a deep breath.

Did I like him? Was everything I felt when he ran out my door till now more than guilt, did I miss him?

"Talk you fucker" jin slapped jungkook across the back of the head before placing his other on my arm, eyeing me as if to say go on.

"It hurts here... I feel sick all the time, ive no apatite, I dont want to move, to think. I cant function, I feel like shit all the time. I feel like crying but i cant because there's a lump in my throat twenty for seven... I miss him... I... I thought it was guilt but." I tried so hard not to stutter, not to mumble but for the first time in a very long time I think I was finally being honest with myself, I was finally realising who and what I was.

My eyes met with jins, then jungkooks and finally taes before a smile grew on every one of their faces. The sudden feeling of being scared and panic took over as jin was the first to stand up, walking slowly towards me. I swollowed harshly as the other two followed in sync before standinf around me in a circle.

"What...what sre you..."

I was cut off with tae leaping into my arms wrapping his arms around my neck, followed by jungkook and jin. Silence filled the rooms before a very loud familiar voice came screaming through the class room.



I found myself lying awkwardly on the floor with tae,jungkook,jin, hoseok and namjoon squished on top me; all laughing hysterically and congratulating me on 'coming out the closet'; if I was being honest a small smile had grown on my face, I felt a small weight fall of my shoulders metaphorically and literally as those dorks began to removed them self from me.

"So how you planning on fixing this?"

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