Chapter 5 - baby steps

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Authors P.O.V
Jimin stood nervously shaking at the school gate. He wasn't sure if it was because today it seemed bitterly cold or because he knew he would be alone in his room with MIN FUCKING YOONGI.


"Yoongi where are you going in a hurry?" Namjoon shouted as he watched Yoongi run towards the school gates.
"I'm being tutored by that Jimin kid Jin knows."

Namjoon stood there unable to move for a moment while he smirked at his friend's reply. "Jin you sassy princess it worked... And Yoongi says he isn't gay."


The walk to Jimin's was quiet, neither one of them knew what to say or do, the odd hum and movement of the mouth as if one was about to speak could be seen but neither of them did.

"My humble abode." Jimin manages to mumble past his nerves lips as he gestures into his house.

He watch as Yoongi took his shoes off and began to explore the new surrounding. He then points upstairs before gaining a nod from Jimin and darting up the stairs,  "First on the right, bathroom's the door in front."

Jimin leaped to the kitchen,  grabbing two bottle of water and a big bag of crisps. "This will have to do for now."

As he entered his bedroom he found Yoongi cuddled up into his pillow, art books spread in front of him and pencil twiddling in his hand.

"Thought you'd have more pictures of girls." a nervous laugh left Jimin's lips before he replied the only way he knew how to. "Don't swing that way."

Yoongi's P.O.V
He's cute when he's nervous... Wait what? No. In a little harmless kid way. Yeah, that way. Only that way.

I watched as he shuffled himself nexr to me on the bed, his eyes glued to the sheets avoiding my eyes, "I have no problem with the way you 'swing', by the way." Jimin lifted his head to face me with a massive smile, did he think I'd reject his friendship because he's gay? Do I give off that vibe?

An hour or so past and I couldn't help but smile or chuckle as little laughs left his plump lips. The way he brushed his hair back from his face and slightly stuck his tongue out as he concentrated.

I had to convice myself several times that the reason I was feeling this butterfly effect in my chest was because Jimin resembled a cute child or a little girl I once knew... Because I'm a hundred percent straight.


Jimin's P.O.V
He's sat so close, his leg keeps knocking off mine. My heart was beating out my chest, so loud in fact that I swear he could hear.

My phone vibrating in my pocket caused me to jump slightly and brush myself against Yoongi. I felt his arm behind the lower part of my back shocking me enough to jump the other way. "Sorry hyung, my phone scares me."I let yet another nervous laugh left my mouth before pulling my phone out my pocket.

Jin hyung: little fact for you, yoongi won't make the first move, so good luck 👍

Jimin: what's that
supposed to mean!?

Jin hyung: 😉

I sighed as I placed my phone back into my pocket and scooted closer to Yoongi.

Jimin what the hell are you so nervous about! Stay CALM!

Yoongi's P.O.V
I continued to stare at the younger, watching his every move. For some odd reason I was enchanted by his everything. His orange hair, puffy eyes, plump lips, thick thighs... But like I said, I'm not gay... I think.

I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, as I slid it out I saw the caller being the disruption, "Jimin, I'm just gonna use the bathroom". Jimin nodded as I walked out his room and into the bathroom.

"What do you want?" I snapped
"You done it yet?" J-Hope's voice echoed through the bathroom.
"Keep your voice down... And done what?"

The it hit me as J-Hope rambled endlessly on the phone.

"So that kid Jin knows is your new tutor?" J-Hope questioned as we sat staring at Yoongi's TV screen. He nodded in response before Namjoon joined the conversation "Shall we play dares?". Yoongi lifted his head from his phone before lifting an eyebrow. "Dares? Why so random?" J-Hope and Namjoon smirked before giggling.


"And you say you aren't gay, you won't even take this dare as proof! " J-Hope teased while flipping the channels. "How is kissing that Jimin kid proving I'm not gay? Doesn't that make me gay?" "Only if you like it, if you don't then you've proved you aren't gay." J-Hope's voice filled the uneasy silence. Yoongi sat for a few moments before hearing Namjoon mumble 'chicken' under his breath and at that point Yoongi had had enough. He wasn't someone to back down from a dare, to back down from anything, he might be quiet but he always had points to prove.

[end of flashback]

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