Chapter 41 - playing cool

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To say yoongi was freaking out would be an understatement, he was losing his mind.


Yoongi literally screamed as his ruffled his hair between his fingers in frustration. His feet were currently buried deep into the sand, hed found a quiet place about five minuets from the cabin, the view of the open sea was refreshing and the small tree that had fallen became in handy as a seat.

Yoongi wasnt sure why he was stressing so much, back like a week ago when he was straight asking someone out would of been simple, "hey Wonna go out?" Something like that. It always sounded cooler on his head.

But realising youre in love with someone seems to change your whole view on everything, on life as a whole. So yoongi was in a complete state of panic as he glanced at his phone watching time slip through his fingers.

He had less than half an hour to get himself together and make this as perfect as could be.

Yoongi P.O.V

I couldn't help but walk back and forth outside the front door as Jin got jimin 'ready'.  Imagine how jimin must be feeling right now, one second im ill and in bed the next hes Being told to change into something comfortable because I wanted to talk to him alone outside. Id be shitting my pants, more than I am now!

Then my whole being stopped as the front door creaked open, nearly being ripped off its hinge's by an over dramatic Jin. That smile on his face really was creepy.

Jimin P.O.V
"I dont get it" I couldnt help but furrow my brows and Jin pushed me towards the front door.
"What dont you get?" That smile on his face really could be considered creepy.
"Why im dressed like this? Why yoongi isnt ill in the matter of hours and why the hell your smiling like that" I had now pushed Jins hands away from my arm, I wasnr moving till he explained.
"Oh fuck sake... Right long story short, yoongi was never ill, he was planning something, now shut up and get out there"

I wasnt able to even reply to tae who had blurted in, one second I was standing my ground facing Jin the next tae had come running at full force from the living room, practically screaming at me. Soon after I was being pushed from the back to the door.

"Wait, what... Why?"

Again I couldn't reply, I went from standing by the front door and now I was on the porch, facing a wide eyed yoongi as the front door was being shut behind me. To say I was confused was an understatement.

My eyes scanned yoongi, followed by my cheeks becoming red and my heart fluttering. He was stood in the sand, bare foot with skinnies rolled into shorts, a white shirt and a loose tie; lets not forget whatever he was holding behind he back. He looked amazing.

"Erm" I stepped towards him, his eyes soon meeting mine as we were both now stood a foot away from each other. So this is why Jin told me not to wear shoes, the sand feels nice.

I felt yoongis breaths hitch as it fanned against my face, his hands from behind his back slowly moving round to the front. My heart stopped for a second as I was met with a rose, not just any rose, not your typical pink or red rose but a black rose. He remembers once that I loved things cliché but with a twist, that a black rose to me is the most beautiful flower there was.

"So like im not very good at being cheesy, or sweet for that matter, but I wanted to get you flowers, this was the only black rose I could find... God you woukdnt know how long this took to find out here but... Wait no... Im babbling, ignore... Im just nervous and dont know what the hell im doing and im trying really head not to mess ..."

I couldnt hold back the small laugh that came out my mouth, he was being so fucking cute and adorable but being an idiot as he usually ended uo being. The smile of my face was hurting my cheeks, to the point where I coukd only thinj of one thing to stop him from rambling on.

"Oh shut up you block of cheese"

Why are his lips that little extra bit sweeter right now?

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