Chapter 42 - lets start

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Jimin P.O.V
"Can I look now?"

I was currently being dragged across the sand, my fingers interlocked with yoongis; only problem was i couldnt see a god damn thing. Yoongi had told me everything woukd be okay, the trust him. I didnt realise that this trust he was speaking of would consist of me being blindfolded by what smelt like a sock.

"No... Were nearly there" his voice seemed so far away and soft.

Suddenly we came to a stop, before I had time to react my face 'smooshed' agaisnt something warm and hard. I felt arms wrap around my waist, tugging me into an embrace; so it was his chest. I felt warm, no boiling as yoongi (I hoped it was yoongi) made small circles in my lower back, his chin resting on the top of my head as I buried mine into the crock of his neck.


His soft voice close to my ear sent shivers down my spine, enough for him to notice my body tense up. I felt his shoulders relax a little as a small giggle fell from his lips.

"Jimin... I know I keep rambling, but like ive said im not very good at this whole things... So..."

Yoongi stopped himself mid sentence which made my head snap back a little, I wasnt sure why because it wasnt like I coukd even see him.

"Oh fuck it"

I soon felt a small shiver run down my body as the barley warm wind surrounded me, yoongi had slowly moved around to the back of me, his hands still placed on my body, only now they were pressed agaisnt my stomach. 

"Forgive me" his breath tickled the small hairs on the back of my neck.

The thick material that was around my eyes slowly became loose as yoongis touch vanished from my belly. For some reason I had my eyes clenched shut, I wasnt sure if I was ready for what I was about to see. I had this small amount of worry that sat in the pit of my stomach, scared this was all some big joke to him, that I was still a dare. But no matter how much those feels came into play every little thing he said and did made me fall that little bit more in love with him.

"You can open your eyes now" the cloth from around my eyes was now completely gone, yoongis presence still behind me, his chest pushed into my back, his hands loosely hanging round my waist.

I dont think I want to open my eyes, just incase but then again, I was nosey and the curiosity was killing me. So within 0.01 of a second my eyes fluttered open.

"Oh...Yoongi" my voice failed me.

I couldnt believe what I was seeing, what was right in front of me. If I didnt think yoongi was a ball of cheese before, he bloody was now.

Yoongi had taken me to  a small part of the beach that had several trees darted around the area, some big, some small, but all still buried deep in sand along with a small tree knocked on its side, but yoongi had transformed what sounds so simple into something beautiful.

The several tall threes had hanging fairy lights, all different colours, blue, green, red, pink and yellow. The small knocked over tree had been covered with a small blanket, followed by a larger blanked on the sand under it. Seven or eight pillows were scattered around the log giving it a cosy feel. Their was a small basket on the sand next to the blankets , a stack of candles just across.

My heart seemed to sink, but in the best way, as my eyes scanned around the beautiful scenery. My heart was fluttering, my hands were sweating,  and it felt like my breath had been sucked out of me.

"Its shit isnt it" yoongis voice dragged me from my trance; I was seriously going to murder him.

I didnt know if I should of turned around and kicked him in the balls or smashed my lips with his... So i went with the second option.

"Yoongi, for the second time... Shut up"

I turned on my heals, pushing my toes into the sand to stand on my tippytoes, now being eye level. His facial features and expression were soft, his eyes had this odd shine to them and he was radiating so much heat.

I pushed my lips into his, his hands quickly clenching to the cloth of my shirt, mine finding their way around his neck, fingers tangling in his hair.

How do i keep falling even more in love with you!?

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