One: Sleeping Position

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You groaned in pain as your body ached from the heavy pressure applied to your chest, restricting you from breathing normally. You looked down at yourself with tired eyes to see Jaejoong lying on his back with his head draping over the other side of your body, putting him in the famous Exorcist pose. He was so heavy that it felt like your ribs were going to snap.

"Oppa," you whispered, trying to push him off. "Get off me. You're crushing me."

Jaejoong was half asleep when he replied with an unconscious nod and laid down on one side of your body. He laid his leg over your leg and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, and quickly went back to sleep.

You sighed and decided this position was better than before. You close your eyes to try to get some sleep, but your cold room was keeping you from doing so. You would get up and put the blankets on you, but Jaejoong had kicked it on the floor at some point in the night. So, now you were stuck under him, growing hot and sweaty on one side of your body and cold on the other.


Yunho had got dressed for the night to go to bed when he saw that you were already asleep. A smile made his way on his lips as he thought about the day you must have had to have gone to bed without him. Remembering that you told him that there were a lot of condescending people in your workplace, he decided to reward you the best way he could while you are asleep.

Yunho turned off the lights and climbed in bed. Once he got under the blankets, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to his body. He buried his face in the area where your neck met your shoulder, feeling your torso expand and contract from your peaceful breathing pattern.

"Good work today," he whispered and kissed your neck endearingly before getting some sleep as well.


"Are you going to sleep on me?" You had been telling him about your day since he had asked but had stopped when you saw him drifting off to sleep. You weren't upset because you understood how hard he must have worked today.

"Ani..." Yoochun lied as his quiet voice drifted off.

You shook your head with a gentle smile on your face and leaned over to turn off your lamp and his. You gave him a soft kiss on slightly parted lips and laid down beside him. You watched him get further into slumber, your head on his chest so you could listen to his gentle heart that will eventually put you to sleep.


Though Junsu's eager and adorably clingy man that he is, you would be all over him in the sleeping scenario. In any position he lay, you'd always find a way to wrap yourself around him and hold him tightly as if you'd die if you let go. It's sweet and adorable to him, but sometimes your hands would wander all over his body, and it would make him flustered and very aroused.

His cheeks flustered up as your hands touched all over his body, groping anything you can. Though you laid down together to sleep, it appears to him that you didn't want to do any of that. But you would do this all the time; you would touch in this sexual manner but do anything about it. It was frustrating since you would leave him aroused.

"Noeul-ah," he slightly whimpered when you stuck your hand his pants. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to sleep," you said.


You began to wake up out of your sleep when you realized the sun rays coming through your bedroom curtains were open. You opened your eyes and ended up wincing from the light blinding you. A groan escaped you, expressing how much of a rude awakening it was. You opened one eye and was startled to see Changmin staring at you with a slight smile.

"Bwoya? Why are you staring at me? You were watching me the whole time?"

"Ou," he replied with a nod of his head. You stared at him strangely and then reached under your pillow to grab your phone. You looked at the time and was a bit confused.

"Don't you need to be at practice?"

"Ne. I'll just come up with this overslept excuse."

It was a good excuse since you two went to sleep late after talking to one another for hours until you drifted off to sleep. But, usually, Changmin got up on time regardless of how late it was when he went to sleep.


"I wanted to be here when you woke up, that's all," he said and pinched your cheek endearingly. You blushed from his reason and ended up having a full-blown conversation as you two laid in bed. 

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