Forty-One: Deeper Meaning {Requested}

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Requested by: shinee080525

⚠Warning: BoyXBoy⚠

Character Insight:

Jaejoong: He's a supermodel who has known Yunho since middle school. He's happy to be Yunho's boyfriend and would like to stay like that. But, start to have a challenge when Yunho gains a secret admirer.

Yunho: He's a very famous fashion designer of the label B.I.L.Y.T.Y. Yunho's a very down to earth guy who befriends everyone he meets, but he's having difficulty with one person who is a competing fashion brand.

Yoochun: The heir to his family's medicine business. He's a quiet guy who likes to keep his boyfriend, Junsu, happy. And it doesn't matter how he gets Junsu happy; he's down to do anything.

Junsu: He's a fashion designer for the label called Tarantallegra. He's a well-known fashion designer, but not as famous as Yunho, which he hates. He envies Yunho for him being so good at everything.

Changmin: He's a college student with a job as a barista. He never knew what love was until he met Yunho. Well, he didn't technically meet Yunho, he took his order for his coffee. He doesn't even know Yunho's a famous fashion designer; he knows that he's a handsome male who loves favorite pumpkin coffee.


Yunho & Jaejoong:

The cold night's breeze rushed by him as Yunho looked out from his balcony and at the busy city of Seoul. He had just come back to his home after celebrating his success with the new fashion brand he calls B.I.L.Y.T.U. No one knew what it stood for, and people that Yunho worked with and met over the yes has always asked what it meant. But, Yunho never revealed it, saying: "A fashion designer never reveals his secrets," which was strange for a fashion designer to say.

But, no one knew what his brand stood for, and there have been many conspiracies on what it could mean. Even his boyfriend came up with theories on what it could say.

"Bro...I love your tiny...unicorns?" Jaejoong said hesitantly as he stepped out on the balcony. Yunho turned over his shoulder and examined the clothes he was wearing. Yunho had just created a summer look and wanted to see how it looks before he starts making factories make them and showing them off to the public. So, why not see how they look on his experienced model boyfriend.

"Bwo?" Yunho chuckled at what Jaejoong said.

"Your brand name. What it stands for? You know, the big Jung Yunho mystery?"

"Ne, ne. I know." Yunho gestured for him to come close, in which Jaejoong did. Yunho began to fix the clothes on him.



"So, was I right with what it stands for?" Jaejoong asked. Yunho rolled his eyes with a broad smile on his face. "I was? I knew it! Lately, you have been going crazy every time you see tiny things, and the unicorn fits your personality."

"Eh? How?"

"The rainbows..."

"Ah..." Yunho said as he nodded. "That's not it, but, that was a good one. Besides, I see myself as a wild wolf howling with creativity."

"More like a puppy dog whimpering for attention," Jaejoong murmured, but since he was close to Yunho, it wasn't much of a secret. Yunho smirked at Jaejoong and continued with fiddling with the clothes.

He hummed as he went deep in fashion designer mode. He stepped away from him and looked him up and down. "It's a little bit," Yunho sighed. "Big."

"Ne, it is. But, from what I understood the other night, you like it like that."

Yunho flashed him a smirk. "Good one. Come, I'll try to fit it to your body."

The two went inside where Yunho got some clamps from his work section of the bedroom.

"Why don't you tell me what it stands for?" Jaejoong asked.

"Are we still talking about the name of my brand?" Yunho tossed some of the clamps on the bed and started fitting the clothing to him. "Why are you so worried about it?"

"We've known each other for a long time, I thought we were close enough to share these types of secrets," Jaejoong said.

"Of course, we're very close," Yunho said, moving away see if clamping the loose shirt looked better. "I share everything with my hyung."

"I know." Jaejoong couldn't deny that Yunho was very good to him. Yunho told him everything from having sexual temptations with a coworker to having attractions to overeating on junk food in bed. He was so considerate and expressive that it sometimes made Jaejoong feel like a crappy boyfriend, but Yunho always assured him that he was still the one even when they were children.

Jaejoong felt warm from the thought of Yunho staying with him for so long and had the sudden urge to kiss him, and he did. He stepped up to Yunho and kissed him lovingly on the lips. There was a passionate moment of making out before Jaejoong pulled away and looked longingly into his eyes.

"What was that for?" Yunho asked.

"...Yunho...Baby, I love you," Jaejoong said, clasping onto Yunho's hands. Yunho smiled widely as he looked down at their hands entwined a sudden memory came to mind.

"Thank you."


"Remember the first time I said I loved you?" Yunho reminded him, making Jaejoong sigh and hid his face in embarrassment.


"We were dating for nearly a year, and we were in our second year of college. You were working on your dreams of being a model," Yunho said.

"And I also remember being a complete dick to everyone. I told you not to bring that up again," Jaejoong said as he plopped down onto the bed.

"And you were also so shy when it came to love. You never kissed me, and you never touched me back; you always freaked out when we had sex--"

"Alright, I get it. Why are you bringing this up?"

"Because when I said "Baby, I love you" "you awkwardly said "Thank you" and walked away," Yunho said, sitting beside him and wrapping his arm around him. "I never understood why you were so shy and awkward."

Jaejoong groaned from the reminded of his awkward and asshole phase.

"Baby, I love you. Thank you," Yunho repeated over and over again. Jaejoong got annoyed and pushed him back on the bed and climbed up on top of him and hovered over him.

"Are you trying to make me angry?"

"I'm just trying to give you a little hint to let you know that I cherish important moments in my life very seriously. And the first time I told you I love you was one of my most cherished moments, even though, your response was awkward, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Yunho pulled Jaejoong's head down and gave him a soft, gentle kiss on the lips.


This Part 1/3 Of This Request

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