Seventy: Water Craze {Requested}

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[A/n]: Hi, readers! So, I was asked by @GoodLady056 to make a scenario-based on Brittney Spear's Slave For You. After watching the video and reading the lyrics, the lyrics talk about dancing and being a slave to the music, and dancing with that hot guy in the club. But, I didn't want to write five scenarios about Noeul wishing to dance all the time. So, I decided to look deeper and, after watching the video for the second time, I noticed that the video takes place into some city where water seems to be scarce. So, after making sure @GoodLady056 wanted it based on the MV and not the lyrics, I came up with a storyline. I hope you like it! Happy reading!

In this story, Earth is barren with not freshwater, vegetation, and it hasn't rained for years. So, this water company opened and quickly became accessible from its bottled water, but something isn't right. The water is causing everyone to become sexually active. So, the area is full of thirsty citizens that are being controlled by the water company, and only a few people know.

Requested By: GoodLady056


The day was hotter than yesterday, and people were barely wandering outside in the daytime, meaning people are turning nocturnal as they desired to get things done in the dead of night. Ever since the Earth dried up from its freshwater, the stores started selling this bottled water that everyone was rushing to buy. It was natural the Noeul would buy it as well since it was the only water in stores in the city. Besides, who could turn down a cold jug of water on an incredibly hot day like this?

"Oppa," Noeul called as she entered the apartment she shared with her boyfriend. "I have groceries!"

"I'm coming!" Jaejoong called back and hurried to help his girlfriend with the bags. The two went into the kitchen and sat the bags down on the counter. Once her hands were free, Noeul wiped her forehead from sweat.

"It's so hot out there," she sighed.

"Yeah, I heard it was ninety degrees outside," Jaejoong said. "Next time, we'll go shopping together during the night. Businesses aren't going to be open in the mornings now, ever since people have been passing out."

"Really. Well, shit...I enjoyed people barely being in the stores; I had to wait in long lines before." Noeul began to unload groceries from the bag, taking out the dug of water, confusing Jaejoong.

"What's this? New water?" he asked, looking at it suspiciously as he wasn't used to drinking other brands of water aside from the one he gets.

"Yeah, they're not selling any other kind of water for some reason. So, I got this."

Jaejoong didn't like the news. "I hope it tastes good..."

"It's water," Noeul laughed, nudging him a bit. "It all tastes the same." Jaejoong shrugged and helped put the groceries away.

Later that day, Noeul and Jaejoong were watching a movie with a big bowl of popcorn in between them. Just then, Jaejoong paused it.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Noeul asked, upset that he cut it off at the part where they were going to find out who murdered the CEO.

"I'm thirsty," he said, standing up from the couch. "You want something?" She nodded and shoving popcorn in her mouth, making Jaejoong laugh. He went into the kitchen and took the jug of water out, and poured two glasses. He drunk some of his and poured more in his cup. As he was putting the water away, he felt a bit different. He was getting a bit aroused for some reason. Was it the actress in the movie? Was it because it was a perfect night to do something a little sexy with Noeul? Whatever it was, he wanted to touch Noeul and make her moan like he did many times before.

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