Fifty-Nine: The Bird Cage pt.2

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The silence between them was unbearably uncomfortable, it made Yunho fidget and Noeul look everywhere else. Even after Noeul's mistress urged the two into a room; a small closet of an area that contained a twin bed, a nightstand, a dim lamp, a chair, thick curtains to cover the single window, and a scented candle that was not yet lite. Noeul sat on the bed while Yunho sat in the chair, fiddling his with his fingers.

He looked up at her and quickly averted his eyes as she was wearing very revealing clothes. His cheeks and ears turned red, feeling embarrassed and hot as he never imagined to see his crush in this state so quickly. Noeul felt the same, but she was naturally comfortable around men when wearing close to nothing. Though, she was a little flustered that Yunho was here, seeing her in a whole new light.

"You must think I'm a dirty slut," she said with light laughter to lighten the mood, but she quickly regretted it when he looked over at her with a blunt expression. She was used to being criticized by her line of work, Noeul always shook off the negativity and continued working here at the brothel. "I understand if you change your mind about me."

"This doesn't really change anything," he said quickly, shocking her. "...I told you that I liked you for a while, you could say I have a crush on you. Figuring out that you worked here doesn't change my mind about you."

Noeul chuckled as she looked around timidly. "You didn't tell me you had a crush on me. I think liking someone for a while and have a crush on someone is two very different things. Crushes are a bit purer and more passionate."

"...Ne...I think so too," Yunho said. At that moment, they shared a moment of quiet laughter, and the mood lifted into something lighter. "I would still like to go on a date with you. If that's okay with you."

Noeul nodded with a broad smile on her face. "I'd like that."

Yunho let out a sigh of relief and looked around the room. "So, do we...have know."

Noeul shook her head. "We don't have to have sex...if you don't want to, that is." Yunho grew visibly flustered, his cheeks turning red as he seems to curl up in himself to hide his embarrassment. Noeul then laughed. "I was just kidding. I think we should wait until we're a real couple."

"Me too." Yunho perking up with a relieved smile on his face. The thought of him having to quickly engage in sexual activity with his crush was too much to take in. "I already have the date planned out for us tomorrow."

"Really?" Noeul smiled to herself, happy that Yunho was ecstatic to go on a date with her. "I can't wait." There was a moment of silence as they stood up at the same time as they both had the idea to say goodbye to each other. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Of course." Yunho then cleared his throat as he moved awkwardly towards the door. "I'll pick you up at six in the afternoon; I assume you're going to be working all night."

"Ne. I will. But I get off in a few hours," Noeul informed.

Yunho nodded and gave her one last wave before walking out the door. Once Yunho closed the door, he let out a happy smile but frowned when he realized he was in the hall of people having regrettable sex with each other. It then dawned on Yunho, his crush was a prostitute and that she was going to have sex with who knows how many men tonight.

He didn't think of a Noeul as a slut, but he didn't like the idea of her having sex with other people. Just days before, Yunho admits to thinking about having sex with Noeul, but it was a brief thought of him being her third or second or, hopefully, her first. Now that wishful thought was shattered that he knows that multiple men had seen her naked and heard her moaning.

Yunho let out a groan, unhappy with the fact. A deep frown tugged at his lips and his eyebrows furrowed as hatred began to boil in him.

"Yunho? You're still here?" Noeul asked as she opened the door to see Yunho with his back to her.

Yunho turned around with an innocent smile on his face. "Oh, I just realized that my coworkers are here and they're my ride home. I have to wait until they're done with whatever they're doing."

"Oh," Noeul said. "Well, I can drive you home."

"Really? I don't want you to get in trouble."

"Aniya, it's fine. But I'll have to be quick before my mistress notice I'm gone."

In a matter of minutes, Noeul was driving down the street with Yunho in the passenger seat. It was quiet for a long while before Yunho decided to break the silence.

"So, how did you start working at the brothel?" he asked.

"Uh...It was something that just came up one day," she replied with a shrug of her shoulder. "I didn't have a job, and I wasn't getting any calls back from the jobs I applied to. I was kicked out of my best friend's house when she got a boyfriend, and that was when I met Mistress Lee. She offered me the job of a prostitute with a good amount of money coming every week, and it took off from there." Noeul stopped the car at a red light and let out a soft sigh as she thought more about her job. "I don't do it for sex, you know. The money comes so quickly, and I don't have any debt and I can buy things I never had before."

"But still..." Yunho said, making her look over to him. "I wish you'd met me before you started working there. I would have fallen for you then and would have let you live with me."

Noeul smiled. "That's nice to hear." She then continued to drive down the street once the light turned green. In a matter of ten minutes, Noeul was in front of their apartment. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

"At six in the afternoon," Yunho reminded once he got out the car. Noeul nodded and prepared to drive off, but Yunho didn't close the passenger door yet. She looked over at him and realized he was giving her this concerned look. "Be safe tonight."

"...Okay," giving him a soft smile.

Yunho closed the car door, and Noeul drove to the brothel again. Once she was far enough away, a frown came upon Yunho's face as jealousy began to tighten his chest. He made his way in the tall apartment building and up to his apartment. When he was safely in his home, Yunho dropped his briefcase and began to breathe deeply as his emotions began to flow out of him. He let out an irritated growl that filled the quiet single bedroom apartment before it turned back to silence.

" could she do that? How could she let those men touch her?" he asked himself, running his hands through his hair. Yunho always thought that Noeul would have a few significant others once they graduated high school, but the thought of her having strange men touch her and kiss her was too much for him to take in. He didn't want other guys to see his precious Noeul when she's aroused or having an ounce of pleasure.

"She's mine..." Yunho said. He walked over to his bedroom, not bothering to turn on the lights as he went to his nightstand and lifted a bunch of papers and folders up to reveal an old flip phone. It was a useless phone that didn't have service on it, and some of the buttons weren't functioning because he dropped it many times, but all Yunho used it for was to look at the pictures.

His hands trembled as he looked through the pictures of Noeul in her high school uniform, looking oblivious to a photo being taken of her. His precious crush, Noeul, who grew to be more gorgeous didn't even remember him from high school. His precious Noeul, who became a prostitute and have men touch all over her just so she could pay bills and buy the material things he knew she deserved.

"So beautiful," Yunho murmured softly. "My Noeul...No one deserves to see your beautiful naked body, so...I'll kill them. I'll kill them all."

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