Fifty-Three: Bloodlust pt.1

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Their bodies were inches from one another; the smothered space between them caused Noeul to tremble and shiver with goosebumps forming up her bare arms. Her heart was racing in her chest, which was equivalent to a drum being played beside Junsu's ears.

Junsu can also hear her breath leaving her; each exhale becoming heavier and shakier than the last. She was growing excited the longer he stood before her, looking down and admiring her like she was a white peony in this crowded club filled with roses covered with thorns.

He smelled strongly of cologne and soju, making her a bit dizzy as the two scents mixed in with her nervous mind.

Noeul never did with before; clubbing wasn't something she thought about doing on a Saturday night, but her friends say that it's an excellent way to get a break from all the studying. Who knew that after five minutes of not enjoying herself that she would find herself being distracted by someone as beautiful as Junsu?

"I'm Junsu. What's your name?" he whispered. Though his voice was hushed, she still heard him over the loud music because he was so close to her. She felt him lean in a little bit, making her look away from his chest and down at his feet. She didn't look at his face yet; she was too nervous.

"Noeul," she whispered, her voice coming out cracked because she hadn't used her voice in a while.

Junsu hummed, noticing the strain in her voice. She looked off to the side, exposing her neck to him. The sight of it makes his gums ache as his fangs began to protrude from hunger.

It wasn't her beauty that lured him in; it was the fact that she was alone. It's easier to have a tasty snack far away from a crowd so he could get what he wants. But he was a little hesitant. The more he stared down at her, the more he felt his attraction for her grow.

"Why are you standing here all alone?" Junsu asked.

Noeul glanced up at him and found it hard to take her gaze away from his gorgeous face. She looked into his dark eyes that were full of mystery and had this lure about them that spent her into a hypnotized state, but not entirely.

"I-I came with my friends. They're on the dance floor," Noeul replied.

"And you didn't want to dance?" he asked, leaning on the wall with one hand.

"Oh, I don't really like to dance," she said, averting her eyes for a quick second before looking up at him again. "W-What about you?"

"Well, I don't have anyone to dance with. But I'll stay here with you if you don't want to."

They stared at each other for a long moment, taking in the other's facial expression to get an idea of what they were feeling. Unlike Noeul, who only saw that he was this gorgeous man succeeding in flirting with her, Junsu heard her heart beating a bit faster, and her breathing hitched as if he was giving her pleasure with his words. This is an effect of a vampire; anything they say causes others to be manipulated and persuaded into doing whatever the vampire wishes.

Junsu has used this ability to his advantage all the time and had no problems doing it to Noeul. But he wanted to try a different route rather than his vampiric way of seduction.

"Maybe, we can dance another way?" Junsu suggested, lifting his hand that was down at his side and caressed her arm with his fingertips. He could feel goosebumps rising on her skin, and visibly see her tremble.

"I..." she began to say just stopped when Junsu ducked his head down to hers.

His lips were so close that it touched hers a little bit. Their breaths that were exiting their mouths were colliding together, heating their lips and chin. Noeul noticed that she was breathing very heavily like she was having an asthma attack or something. But she couldn't control it as Junsu began ever so slightly to press his lips upon hers. He then began to tease her by grazing his lips on her lips, her jawline, and her cheeks.

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