Seventy-Two: Something About Her {Requested}

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Requested by: GoodLady056


He took a sip of his drink, letting the intoxicating taste coat his tongue for a quick second before making it plummet down his throat. The alcohol had already got his head swimming, he decided not to be so quick in gulping the rest down. Jaejoong chose to let his mind wander to the long day he had, which wasn't that busy since it was Saturday and on his day off. He thought coming here would be nice since there wasn't anything to do back at home. Plus, his friends were too busy to tag along with him, and he didn't want that to ruin his plans to go out. But, being here alone was a bit boring.

Jaejoong let out a yawn and turned his eye to people dancing on the dance floor as he went to take another sip of his drink. But, he suddenly stopped when he noticed someone moving a little slower than everyone else. Taking a closer look, he realized a woman swaying to the music, enjoying a different kind of beat while holding a drink in her hand.

She looked as if she was another partygoer, and Jaejoong could look away and go back to minding his own business. But, he couldn't look away. For some reason, there was something about this girl that made him stare at her with awe. She was beautiful under the light of the club, she was dressed modestly, yet appropriate in this scandalous atmosphere. She seemed like any girl going out, but he noticed tears streaming down her face.

He didn't know whether it was the drink she was drinking or the music, but it was upsetting to witness. No one likes to see others cry. Before he could get up, the girl had walked off the dance floor and began to walk towards the bar where he sat. He quickly took his eyes off her and put his attention elsewhere, but not entirely; he was still looking at her from his peripheral. To his surprise, she sat beside him. Their closeness had sent chills to him, and he was too nervous to look over in her direction. He sipped his drink casually.

"Excuse me," she said, her soft voice almost hard to hear, but the bartender came her way when she gestured to him. "Can I get some chips?"

"Of course," he said, going under the bar to get her order. After filling a bowl with potato chips, he gave it to her and went to tend to someone else on the other end of the bar.

The girl sniffled as she munched on her snack and drinking her alcohol. The sound made Jaejoong glanced over at her accidentally from nervousness, and their eyes met. They stared at each other for a short moment that seemed longer, but she looked away to dab away her tears with the napkin she was given with her chips.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"...Yes..." she whispered and took another drink. "My eyes get teary when I drink."

"Eh?" Jaejoong would have never thought that was the case, he never meets someone who reacts to alcohol like that. "Oh. Well, how are you tonight? Are you seeing anyone?" The girl laughed as his sudden shift in behavior, eating another chip in the processes. It was bold, and she liked that.

"I'm Noeul, by the way, and no, I'm not seeing anyone."


He let out a sigh as he watched the person in front of him perform donuts on their motorcycle. It was nothing special because almost every day, this guy follows Yunho and show off these tricks like he was some hotshot. It was annoying, but Yunho admits that he was mesmerized by the little performances. He could tell this guy was a motorcycle enthusiast just like him, but the guy would never stick around to talk to him. When he's done with whatever he was showing off, he speeds away. Yunho was planning to at least get the man's name.

Yunho took off his helmet, just as the person began to settle down. "Hey," Yunho called out. "Who are you?" The person seems to stare at him for a while but then began to drive away. "Wait!"

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