Three: How He Wakes You

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You were wrapping up a dream you were having when a delicious smell tickled your nose. It cut the ending of your slumber short, and you woke up immediately. You looked over to the other side of the bed to see that it was empty, confirming your speculation as soon as you opened your eyes.

Though you were tired from just waking up, you got of bed and staggered towards the kitchen where Jaejoong was making breakfast. He was plating a light snack of fruits for you when he saw your form coming out of the bedroom.

"Noeul-ah...Did you sleep well...?" His voice drifted off when you began walking in the kitchen with your eyes closed. "Noeul?"

You wrapped your arm around him and buried your face in his chest. "Feed me," you requested.

He smiled and patted your head. "As you wish, my hungry queen."


You were sleeping peacefully under your warm blanket on the sofa when a loud startled you awake. You were confused about what the sound was until you hear it again and something soft a wet pressed on your cheek. Your eyes focused on Yunho's face that was looking down on you thoughtfully.

"Oppa..." you said in a hushed tone. "Eoseo wa."

"Why are you sleeping on the couch?" he asked just as quietly as you.

"I was waiting for you to come back home." You had difficulty keeping your eyes open as he began to explained that the apartment was freezing and that you could get sick from not being covered up. You nearly fell asleep on him, but he put another kiss on your cheek, making you open your eyes.

"Come on; come to bed with me," he said sweetly, pulling at your arm.

You stood up just as he requested, but before you could take a single step, he lifted you off your feet and carried you towards the bedroom you shared with him. He was kissing you again this time on your lips.


Your eyes fluttered open as familiar sweet sounds entered your room from the living room. It was another one of those days when Yoochun was deep in inspiration and tickling the ivories of his piano. Most people would think it was annoying to wake up from a pleasant dream by music, by Noeul thought it was beautiful. When you heard him stop playing, you grabbed your blanket and got out of bed to get into the living room.

Once you are stepping out of the room, Yoochun started to play again. The beautiful music he was playing enticed you to walk over to him and sit beside him.

"Joheun-achim. Did I wake you? Mianhae," he said, stopping the music he was creating.

"Ani...I like it when you play the piano. Play more."

He smiled as he nodded his head and began to play. You laid your head on his shoulder and drifted off as you listened to him play.


"Jagiya, get up!" Junsu whines as he shakes you. It was a Sunday, and you had expected to sleep in today. But Junsu didn't like that idea. Since he didn't have anything to do today, he wanted to spend the day with you. But, first, he had to get you out of bed. "Come on; it's already morning."

"Hajima," you whined, hitting him away and pulling the covers over your head to submerge yourself in warmth and darkness. But, you weren't going to get what you desired so quickly.

"Get up!" Junsu said, ripping the blanket from your body and grabbing you up into a bear hug. You thrashed your limbs around as you tried to get out of his strong arms but to no avail.

"Junsu! Let go of me!"

"Aniya. I want you to spend the day with me, not in bed."

"But, I'm so tired," you said, letting your body go limb to emphasize that his little fight had taken the little bit of energy you had right out of you. "I want to sleep."

"And I want to go out for lunch," he said.

You two stared at each other for a while, making puppy-dog faces to convince the other of letting them do what they want. It took a minute, but Junsu gave in by dropping you on the bed and sitting down beside you. "Fine. We stay in all day and binge-watch something in the living room?"

You looked over to him and sighed shortly after. "Alright, but I get to pick the movie."



He peaked in the bedroom and looked towards the bed to see you still sleeping. Once he confirmed you were still in a deep sleep but hearing you snore quietly, a mischievous grin made his way on his lips, and he quietly went in the room to stand at your bedside. He's been waiting a long time to do this because you always woke up before him, but the time has finally come.

Changmin adjusted his stance, and then he lifted a pot and pan. With no second to lose, he began to bang them loudly together, creating a loud metallic sound that made you jump out of your sleep so fast that you fell off the bed with the blankets tangled up with your legs.

Happy that his prank worked, he doubled over in laughter.

"Wae! You Babo!" you shouted once you found out what had happened.

"You should have seen your face," he laughed. You growled and quickly tried to get up to attack him, but he began to run away, and you two ended up running around the house.

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