Thirty-Two: You Get Hurt

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You had been cutting up some vegetables for dinner when you accidentally cut the tip of your index finger off. You screamed out, and Jaejoong came running in from the living room and directly to you.

He didn't bother to ask what happened; the blood is gushing on the floor was enough to pick you up and take you to the car and take you to the hospital.

Jaejoong sat in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for your finger to be stitched up. Yunho and Yoochun were waiting with him, trying to keep him calm.

"She'll be fine," Yunho assured him again. "She's lucky that it wasn't her whole hand."

"How is that possible when just preparing noodles?" Yoochun asked.

"Anything is possible when you're as clumsy as Noeul," Jaejoong sighed. "I knew I should have cooked instead."

Just then, the doctor came up to them and notified them that you were all stitched. He took them to your room where you were a bit dazed from the anesthesia.

Jaejoong sighed in relief to see that you were okay and walked to your bedside to lean down and kiss your forehead.

"Maybe, be more careful? I was about to have a heart attack," he said.

"Mianhae," you said, full of embarrassment. You promised that it wouldn't be a problem if you cooked tonight, and it was turned out to be the exact opposite.

"Don't worry," Jaejoong said with a smile. "I won't rub it your face that you failed at cutting onions."


He got a call from your family who sent you to the hospital after some accident. He had no hesitations on rushing to see you.

When he made it to the hospital and knew where you were, he ran into your room where your parents and siblings were surrounding your bed. Out of breath, he walked closer to get a better view of you and was horrified to see that you were nearly motionless in the hospital bed.

"What happened?" he asked weakly, going on the side of the bed that was the opposite of your parents.

"She got hit by a car," your mother said through sobs. "The doctor said she probably wouldn't come out of her coma."

The thought made him double over like the news was a blow to his stomach. He couldn't help but break out in tears.


You limped out of the bedroom, Yoochun not too far behind to make sure you don't fall or something. After you sprained your ankle at work, Yoochun has been smothering you like a worried mama cat. He followed you around in case you need help with something.

He told you he wished you be still and lay in bed all day, but he knew you had to walk around so it could heal faster.

"Be careful," he said as you walked into the living room.

"Ne," you said, limping towards the bathroom.

"Do you need help in there?"

"Oppa, I told you I don't," you sighed. "You don't need to supervise everything I do, you know."

"I know, I know. I want to make sure you don't get stuck anywhere."

"Oppa, me spraining my ankle doesn't make me some old lady. Gwenchana."

"Arasso," he said. You nodded and went into the bathroom to do your business. Before you could even unbutton your pants, you heard the door creak. You sighed.

"Get away from the door!"

You heard him scurry away from the door.


You hissed as Junsu applied to rub alcohol to your wounds, jerking your leg away reflectively to stop the pain.

"Hold still, Jagiya," he said, putting your leg back in place.

"Apa," you whined.

"I know, but I need to do this so it wouldn't get infected. Do you want it to be infected?"

"Ani..." You tried your best to stay still as he dabbed at the deep gash in your knee. You can't believe you fell in front of all those people, just thinking about that moment made you embarrassed.

"See? All done," he said, grabbing the bandages. "I can't believe you fell in front of all those people. You must be embarrassed."

You flinched from him knowing what's on your mind, but you nodded in response. "Tell me about it."

"And to trip over nothing? I can't imagine how bad you feel right now. The pure embarrassment--ugh! I feel embarrassed thinking about it."

"I get it."


He stared at your arm cast, no reaction on his face at all. You had tried to hide it from him, but it was stupid because it was nearly impossible since you lived together. You didn't even last a minute before he noticed you were acting strangely.

"How did you break your arm?" he asked.

"Uh...I was changing the light bulbs, and I fell off the ladder," you said quietly.

"You couldn't wait?" he asked. "I said I was going to do it when I got back from Japan."

"I watched a scary movie, and I was getting scared thinking some grudge lady was going to pop out and get me."

Changmin flicked your forehead, making you whimpered in pain. "You're lucky you didn't break your neck, babo." He then held you close to his chest. "Be more careful next time."

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