Twelve: When He Gets Jealous

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He's quiet and scowling as he stares off into space. He tries not to be possessive and jealous, but he can't help it. His bottled up jealousy would result in him not talking to you for hours.


He tries to pretend he doesn't mind. He would join in the conversation you and your guy friend was having, but all the while doing things to make the guy friend envious by holding you close and giving kisses to you every once in a while.


He gets a little discouraged. He has faith that you love him and would never leave him, but he can't help but torture himself with the possibility. You can see the jealousy easily on his face, so you later try your best to assure him that he's the only one for you.


He has no consideration for your space and in others around you. He'd hug all up on you and kiss you while you're talking to the guy, shooting him angry looks. You scold him for being so rude, but, you have to admit that he was so cute.


He's very good at hiding it. He hates the feeling but, to his best to not let it show because he knew if you found out you'd tease him to death. And he couldn't make that happen.

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