2. Just In Time But Late

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*Continuation From Last Chapter*

The office

Riley (Studio Head) POV -
I'm in my office with James right now and it's hard facing up to what happened. I remember, this time last year when we were preparing for Nationals and back when I was on A troupe. It's just hard knowing that we won't going to Nationals this year.

James (Rileys Boyfriend) POV -
I totally understand where Riley is coming from. Knowing that this time last year we were doing the challenge and Pheobe would be out in studio A teaching us the audition Choreography and now we don't what to do is just awful.

Riley was sat at her computer, the absolute dance Nationals list had published but only half of the list, which ment that some regional competitions were still to go ahead. But she scanned down to the 'Region 7' spot and saw the team Gemini next to it. She laughed, "They won't stand a chance at Nationals" She began.

"They are just like how elite were, cocky and when it gets to the big time they loose . I bet in another two dance seasons time they'll be on our doorstep begging us to merge with them for internationals" Riley muttered, quiet but loud enough for James to here and agree with her. He came closer to her, "I know. But we have to start thinking about what we're going to do. We can't just wallow around in self pity" James said.

Riley (Studio Head) POV -
James is right. But I just don't know what i supposed to do. I guess we need to find out what went wrong out there and make it right?

Rehearsal room

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm in the rehearsal room right now, and I'm just dancing. Like letting all of my emotions out to the song that Amanda and I created. "All we need" is when i really started to like her and now she just isn't here. When I stop, I pick up my phone and I call her again - I will see Amanda again!

"Hey, Amanda? Why won't you come back to the studio?" He asked, he was surprised that she had actually answered that time. "I can't believe that Riley cut me from the dance, but I'll meet you. But not in at the studio, somewhere else?" She said through the phone line. Noah smiled softly, "Okay, the park at 3...I love you" he said, "I... Love you too" Amanda said, before hanging up. A seed of hope had been planted in Noahs mind.

Java Junction

"Yup, yes. Exactly! I know it's just awful!" Richelle said, she was still on the phone to Kate. And it didn't look as if she was holding anything back at that point. "Then we Lost the first qualifier because of Noah and his back injury then we didn't even go to the second!" She explained to Miss Kate who was on the phone line still.

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
Even though Emily and Riley made Skylar the dance captain before Regionals. I've always thought of myself as the one who makes ad the decisions around here anyway. So I'm being a good, but indirect dance captain by telling Kate all about our terrible time at Regionals this year.

"... And then we lost!" She finally said, letting a huge sign of air out, as if she had explained everything from the past year in one breath. Richelle seemed confused when Kate told her she already knew A troupe lost Regionals, and she was even more confused When Kates sound on the phone became much more life like... And came from behind her.

Richelle turned around slowly on the spot, lowering, her mobile at the same time. She stood there in shock for a moment. "Miss Kate? Is that really you?" She said slowly, things were starting to improve already. The studio owner came forward, "Yes Richelle. It's me and I'm back to see what's going on around here. Take me to the office please... Now." Kate said calmly, turning away and looking back at Richelle, hinting her to follow.

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
Miss Kate is back, so why do I feel like I've just thrown Riley to an angry alpha female wolf?

The park

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm meeting Noah like I said I would. It's not fair that my upset with Riley and the team is coming into our relationship. I love him and I want to made sure her knows that.

"Hey. Amanda, It's so good to see you after all this time. Where have you been?" Noah asked, he wasn't waiting time. He wanted to know exactly what was going on, but Amanda hesitated before telling him. "I've been... With Giselle and getting ready for the tour... I'm sorry" She admitted. Noah was understanding, "I get it, it's fine."

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I understand Amanda, She had the chance to become a professional dancer and when Riley cut her from the final dance then she took the place on the tour with Giselle. I'm proud of her no matter what.

"But Noah, no matter what happens, it does not change how I feel about you! I've never felt this in love before" She smiled, taking his hand and holding it to her heart, "I feel the same way. I love you Amanda, and if you want to go on tour you go for it" They didn't speak anymore, they kissed passionaly, their relationship lived on...

The office

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm walking into My office for the first time in a long time and I'm not happy at this point. I have to talk to Riley about what went on here!

The Studio Head came into the room with no warning, holding her phone which showed the Gemini team taking the trophy, "So. Is anyone going to explain what that is about?" She glared around the office, James and Riley exchanging looks of confusion. Kate was back...

Next time - Kate wants answers, both Skylar and Amanda consider their furture.

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